|𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲|

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|Kade Frost|

"Dude why did you drag me out here?" I ask Wes as we get out of his expensive car and start walking to the entrance of the wild club.

Wes sighs, "Because I need a distraction," he tells me in a pained voice.

I turn my head to see his face ridden with guilt and suffering, "Did you see a picture of her again?" I wonder whether it's because of her or because of something else. He just nods his head in sadness, I just sigh and look away from his sorrow-filled face and continue to walk while looking down at my feet.

Even though it's been seven years since I last saw her it feels like just yesterday me, her, and Wes were running around their house playing tag. I miss those days, I miss her. She was one of the biggest parts of my life and then one day she just up and left, without a single word or sign. Ever since then Wes has been a shell of the person I once knew, he was sadder and more closed off. He stopped talking to his parents, stopped going out and partying as much, stopped being the outgoing and fun Wesley I knew.

I know why he did it too, he blamed himself, we both did in a way.

Suddenly I felt a slightly shorter and small body stumble into me, "Ow!" I heard the feminine voice chimed out.

"Are you alright?" I ask as I move my gaze from the concrete floor to the body that just crashed into myself and it was there and then that my world and body froze in pure shock.

It was her. She was here. She was right here, in front of me looking at me in complete horror and surprise. I just stare at her for a few more moments until I peer over to my best friend who looks like he is about to break down in tears as he looks at his long-lost sister with pain, sadness, and love. Just as his mouth opened Isabel grabbed the man beside her arm and dragged him away to the car waiting for her. Wes and I just watched in shock as she zoomed past us in a hurry and as soon as the car door closed I rushed off into the late-night traffic of LA.

Wes turns to me and tears start to roll down his cheeks, "She's here" is all he said before he wiped the fallen tears and continued walking towards the raging club.

I already knew what he was going to do, he was going to get shitfaced to drown out his pain and sorrow, not the best way, but it's efficient.


It has been a week since that night and Wes has been obsessing about when and how he was going to find her again. We both knew she was a big-time model for a reason, she was on the cover of almost every fashion magazine printed and sold.

It wasn't until yesterday when he heard about the Versace fashion show happening today, which was convenient for me because my girlfriend was also in the fashion show. I don't know how this is going to go there are three scenarios:

She sees us and runs away again

She ignores us completely

We confront her and she tells us that she never wants to speak or see us again

Either way, we are completely screwed, my money's on the first one. Wes thinks that she will do number three, which could happen but based on her actions a week ago I didn't have complete faith that she would even want to talk or listen to.

Suddenly the lights dim and two spotlights are pointed directly on the back of the catwalk where the models come out to strut. Upbeat music starts to play and within a few seconds the first model walks, I detach my eyes from the stage and look over to my best friend. I can see so many emotions in his eyes as they stay anchored on the entrance to the catwalk; Anxiety, worry, nervousness, anticipation, etc. I can tell tonight is going to be a big emotional rollercoaster no matter the outcome.

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