SNAP: The World Unfolds

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Carola sat back.  “Let’s talk about that, but later.  I’ll come to your room after the screenings.”  This time her smile didn’t fully reach her eyes.  Had I crossed the line?  Beyond confusing, conversation around here was like a minefield, not knowing where to step.

“I’d like that,” my voice sounded false to me but she nodded and turned to Janos just as Pen rose to signal the end of dinner.

Tonight was a replay of last night.  After-dinner coffee and chat until the screening room was ready for us to file in and watch tonight’s SNAP episodes.  There were some comments, Chaz made some notes on the continuity and Jean-Louis was writing suggestions about the sets, all-in-all satisfactory shows from the U.S. and Brazil.

There wasn’t a formal family business meeting tonight. Jean-Louis came over and took my arm.  “I know we can’t go outside,” he glimmered. “Several people are on conference calls and there’s a Skype meeting in the small drawing room.  You want to go in the salon?  There are a couple of bridge games going on with us and the regulars, or we can go into the library and talk.”

I was more uneasy with him then I’d ever been.  At the beginning, it was two co-workers feeling each other out about interests, styles, management, turf.  Then on the hunting forays to L.A. clubs—only now I understood the irony of that—it was business with a dose of pleasure.  The pleasure gave me a warm feeling when I watched him working and then...the trip to the Baron’s.

What did I feel then?  Certainly nervous, afraid, disoriented.  Suddenly I had a chasm in front of me, but did I have the courage to get across?  Everything I’d worked for over the years has culminated in my job at SNAP.  Jean-Louis’ revelation that SNAP was owned by a vampire family—and that the Baron was the head vampire—shook my world.  I was afraid for my life and for my lifestyle. 

Then Jean-Louis’ tenderness, caring and just plain sexiness, plus the fact that nobody had gone for my throat except for the Huszars, put me on the edge of euphoria. Surrounded by luxury, in the midst of cultivated, beautiful people, lulled me and I decided that this was what I wanted, forever.  Or at least as much forever as I had coming.

I thought Jean-Louis’ interest was in me, not in my value to the Baron and SNAP.  With Sandor’s comments about keeping me safe, I came back to earth.  Why would someone like Jean-Louis be interested in me?   He was a vampire.  He’d lived for what? two hundred, three hundred years or more?  There must have been vampires, as well as regulars, over the years.  For all I knew, there was someone now, stashed away in some Hungarian village waiting for him to drop in.

My anger and hurt were growing and when he wanted to talk, I thought “OK, buddy, let’s talk!”  I was ready to launch into a tirade when a niggling thought started poking at me.  Had he ever said anything about a personal interest in me?  Had he ever indicated that he wanted me around forever?  Even for a while?  In fairness, I was the one who’d built all of this up, who was thinking subtly about the next step closer.  When we walked into the library, I was still coldly angry, but now I would use it to erect a wall.

“I wanted to talk about what’s going on here,” Jean-Louis began.

“It’s become clear to me that nothing is going on here,” I snapped.

A wave of incomprehension spread over his face.  “What do you mean?  You were attacked last night.  Sandor told me the pigs are running.  The Huszars and their pals are nosing around, testing our defenses.  They’re after you and we don’t know why.”

I bristled.  “And that bothers you because I’m valuable to the Baron, right?  At all costs, let’s keep his investment safe!”  Watch it, I told myself.  If this kept up I was liable to cry out of sheer embarrassment and frustration.  And Jean-Louis would probably read that as weakness or game-playing.

I looked up at him and stopped myself.  His face was stern, no tract of a glimmer now.

“Is that how you think I see you?  As an asset to the Baron?”  he demanded.

I recoiled at his tone and wondered at the wisdom of pissing off a vampire.  “Well, I was beginning to think we had some commonalities,” my voice was low and I fought to steady it.  “That night in L.A. when we danced, and later when you took me home.  But Sandor set me straight yesterday when he said you’d escort me to keep me safe...”

“I do intend to keep you safe,” Jean-Louis’ voice was cold and controlled.  “As to anything else, well ...”  He’d been holding my arm  and now he practically threw it back at me as he stomped out of the library.

“Hmmm, that went well,” I said to myself, rubbing my arm.  Vampires are strong; I’d have a bruise in the morning.  I tossed the silk wrap around my upper arm to hide Jean-Louis’ finger marks and took myself into the salon, looking for Carola.

I spotted her on a sofa, deep in conversation with Francois and Pen so I moved over to the French doors and pulled the drape back.  I screamed when I saw eyes looking back at me.

That was enough to break up the bridge tables.  Carola came rushing over to see what I was making a fuss over.  “Oh, no wonder,” she announced to the room.  “Maxie looked right into one of the guard’s faces and it must have startled her.”  She turned.  “Francois, be a dear and go ask Sandor to turn on the terrace lights so Maxie can see there’s nothing out there.”

Francois swanned out of the salon in search of Sandor and Carola said, “Maxie, maybe you’d like to go to your room.  Make is an early night of it.  I can come up in a bit and check on you.”

I nodded.  What with Jean-Louis’ angry words, my disappointment at my botched assumptions, the information from Sandor, weird dreams and noises and several very late nights, a quiet room and a book sounded wonderful.  “Thank you Carola,” I smiled and turned to the room.  “I am so sorry that I acted like that.  I’m not normally one to let things frighten me, but I guess I am tired.  Please excuse me.”  With what little dignity as I could gather to wrap around my bruised arm and battered self-esteem, I headed up the stairs.

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