Ch. 4: Do I need to fetch me a pumpkin and catch a few mice too?

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"Are you going to wear that?" Roma came into Santine's bedroom and critically assessed the blue dress Santine had chosen to wear for their night out, with a cock of her head and a scrunched up nose.

"Well, yes? What's wrong with it?"

Santine looked at herself in the mirror. She thought she looked nice. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had on moderate make-up and low-heeled sandals. The dress was cute. A pale blue with thin straps. It showed a bit of breast and hip but was not skanky. It was Roma's party, and she was going there to chaperone.

"You look like you're going to a bible class and not out on the town. Fuck, Santine, you're not sixty. You're twenty-five and very beautiful when you don't insist on looking like an old spinster."

"Stop with the language."

"You say fuck more than I do. And this is a fuck moment." Roma mock-gagged, making sure Santine knew exactly how bad the dress was. "No other word can quite describe the way you look."

"It can't be that bad?"

"If you're going to hand out cookies at the retirement home, no. If you want a man to notice you for just five seconds tonight, yes."

Roma was brutally honest. Santine deserved attention. Even if it was just for a night and a few dances and free drinks, she deserved it. Not having found a mate had hurt her self-confidence, and it really should not. Roma liked Piers and as a friend, she saw no one better for Santine. He was not dating material for her, though. Santine needed a big, bad and handsome stranger to sweep her off her feet and make her feel like a woman and not the boring workaholic she had turned into.

'She's right, you know. We look boring.' Cheyenne offered her opinion in favor of Roma's comments.

'Really? It's a nice dress. I look pretty.'

Pretty, yes. Nice dress, also yes. But we're going clubbing. Live a little, be bold. For once, do something for yourself.'

"Ok," Santine sighed. Maybe they were right. "I put myself in your hands. Give me a makeover. But just for tonight, don't expect me to go all alpha vixen on you all every day."

"Really?" With her hands clapping excitedly, Roma nearly bounced off the walls. She mind linked the right girl for the job. They were going to make Santine look like a queen, and she was going to get attention like never before.

*Heather, bring everything and some sexy dresses. Santine agreed to a makeover!*

*For real? I'll gather the posse, we're on our way!*

About ten minutes later Heather, one of Roma's best friends, came rushing into Santine's room, carrying all sorts of stuff, some of which Santine believed to be medieval torture devices and not beauty enhancement equipment. She was followed by Santine's friends, Morgana and Rosemary, who were also going to town with them.

All of them were dressed to impress, or to get a ton of attention. They had spared nothing. Glittering dresses, heels for miles and more makeup than a clown convention.

Santine shuddered. She had never been a big fan of makeup. It felt like it caked her face, and she could not breathe or put on a natural facial expression. She had done it back when she believed she would find her mate, but it had never been her thing.

'One night, just one night, Santine,' Cheyenne whispered to her.

'I've said yes, haven't I?' Santine barked at Cheyenne. Sometimes it was really annoying how Cheyenne knew everything she was thinking.

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