Chapter 13 - Badass

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Robin -

Shit. Beast just yelled out in class that he wants to fight Raven. I've seen her record and I think it's safe to say he's dead. Actually I've seen everyone records, benefits of being Robin I guess.

I've seen Star's too, and she's really good. So I've decided that I want her to be my partner, no other more important reason at all except that. Yep. I clear my throat and look towards Starfire. "Hey Sta-"

"Friend Robin would you like to be my partner in the training of fighting." Star is playing with her fingernails while looking at me.

"Sure, I would love to." I give her a smile.

"I must warn you Robin. I was raised as a warrior to protect my kingdom. I am quite the experienced." Star giggles and covers her mouth with her hand.

"I was also raised with fighting to protect." I look at her.

"I enjoy to do the fighting with you Robin." A small laugh escapes my lips because of her broken English.

"Same with me Star." Star takes off her shoes and jewelry and heads to the mat I'm on. We get into a ready stance and we begin.

Star comes at me first, she goes to punch me in the chest. I hit her arm away from me but it still knocks me in the shoulder. With her arm now to the side I go for a punch to her stomach since it's left unprotected. It hits her and she takes the blow like a champ. I go for another punch but she catches my arm and kicks me in the side. The blow hits me hard but I recover and grab her leg before she can retrieve it. With me grabbing her leg and her holding my arm, I grab her arm holding mine and push her to the floor. She lands on her back but makes a quick move to bring her other leg up and kick me off. She does a flip to get up back on her feet and we are back in the same spot when we first started. I make the first attack this time. I go to punch her and as she deflects it like I knew she would, I go down to do a swift kick to knock her down. It hits her but she doesn't go down, she just stumbled a bit but she's back up. Star goes to grab my arm and flips herself around me, pinning my arm behind my back. She is behind me now and I make a move. I kick behind me and push her leg to the side. Her grip loosens as she tries to regain her balance and I use this to slip away.

We are circling around each other waiting for the next move and in a flash everything goes by so fast. We hear Beast Boy running around screaming. He runs by us and accidentally knocks Starfire down. She tumbles onto me, when I open my eyes, she is on top of me and I have my hands on her waist. Our faces are inches apart and my cheeks are red. I watch Star open her eyes and she gets up embarrassed right away. She holds a hand out for me, I take it and get up.

"SORRY!" We hear Beast Boy yell as he's still doing laps around the class. We watch as Raven is chasing him down. Beast Boy is a bit taller then Raven and although he might not be a great fighter, he's definitely a runner. I'm guessing he has a lot of stamina from all the animals he turns into, like a cheetah. The teacher is yelling at Beast Boy to stop running but he can't hear her. Eventually Raven stops running to catch her breath. Beast Boy keeps running for a bit until he realizes Raven isn't after him anymore. He wipes the sweat off his forehead, but the second he turns around, Miss. Smoak is in front of him. "AHHH!" Beast Boy screams again scared.

"Beast Boy, I will not tolerate you acting like a child in my classroom! You have disturbed other students learning and causing a ruckus. This is a class where you learn to fight as self defence. It is a mandatory class you must at least pass with a 70 as it is a part of the graduation standard for this school." Miss. Smoak sighs and calms her voice down a bit. "I see potential with all of my students in this class, you are all special and will be amazing hero's that will protect the world. Beast Boy, you have the power of changing into animals, it has helped you in times of need and is your own gift. Unfortunately with the world we live in and villains around every corner, what if that is taken from you. What if you become human." She looks at Beast Boy waiting for a response.

"I don't know." He says shyly.

"Human never means you are defenceless. I'm human and I'm just fine." She points to herself. "All I ask is you make an effort in this class and I will teach you the best way I can." Beast Boy nods in agreement. "Good." She turns to the class. "Ok everyone, continue training with your partner. Everyone has stopped except Cyborg and Bumblebee, they are a good example. They are in the moment of the fight and didn't notice outside distractions, like Beast Boy here caused. They are focused on each other and are fighting their hardest. So continue training like them."

I look behind everyone and they were right, Cyborg and Bee haven't stopped for a second. Did they really not notice what was going on because they are that focused on each other. I look closer and I see them smiling and talking while fighting. I smirk as to why I think they didn't seem to notice outside distractions.

"Robin, friends Cyborg and Bumblebee seem to be doing the laughing." She looks up at me. "I thought we were supposed to be doing the fighting?"

"I think they're play fighting." I smirk. "It's a different kind of fighting."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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