possibility #1

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"give me a kiss."

"i'm busy."

"give me a kiss and i'll leave you alone."

"you made me sit on your lap. you're not going to leave me alone." jungkook muttered, focused entirely on his laptop in front of him.

"jimin, we're working on a project, stop bothering him." hoseok spoke up, pointedly staring at jimin, "which by the way, you should be working on yours with taehyung."

"he's too busy flirting with jin hyung. and i missed my kookie." jimin grinned, looking at jungkook who continued to ignore his existence. he tightened his hold around jungkook's waist, hooking his chin over the younger's shoulder.

"one kiss please?" he whispered against the skin of his neck, pleased at the slight shiver that went through jungkook. the younger sighed deeply, leaning back into his chest before turning slightly to look at jimin who was pouting.

grabbing jimin's face with both hands, he pulled him in, kissing him long and hard before pulling away. he wiped at jimin's bottom lip with his thumb, smiling at the older.

"will you let us work now?" jimin grinned, nodding in response, pressing a small kiss on his neck when he turned back around.

"you spoil him too much kook." hoseok said after awhile, gasping when jimin threw a paper ball at him.

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