possibility #3

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"hyung~", jungkook groaned, clutching his stomach as he turned on his side to look at jimin. the older only smiled weakly, reaching out to hold jungkook's hand.

"the doctor will be back and we'll know what's wrong." he spoke softly, wanting to take jungkook's pain away. the younger had been feeling extremely sick lately, constantly throwing up and losing his appetite.

he noticed the sweat beading on jungkook's forehead, standing up to wipe it away just as the door opened revealing the doctor.

"how we doing? are you feeling nauseous right now?" dr. kim asked seeing the discomfort on his face. jungkook shook his head, sitting up slightly, "alright, so we do have some good news."

the doctor grinned at them, ignoring the confused faces the couple gave to each other. what was good about him being pain?

"the urine test came back positive for pregnancy! congratulations!" dr. kim revealed happily, grinning widely at the shocked couple.

"pregnant...?" jimin muttered quietly, both of their gazes falling to jungkook's flat stomach. jungkook looked up, staring back at his husband.

"hyung... we're having a baby." he whispered, eyes watering as he saw the small smile break onto the older's face. jimin's own tears trailed down his cheeks, hugging jungkook close, kissing his forehead.

"we're having a baby!"

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