Chapter One

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This chapter may be slightly boring for some people because it lacks "a certain someone";), but please be patient and enjoy!

Much love xoxo


"Oh that was a good one!" Hanji yelled back at me.

I swung my stick once again, knocking her off of her feet. I held the tip to the edge of her neck, imagining it was my blade. She gazed up at me and blew a hair out of her eyes in a frustrated manner. 

"So that's...5 for me, 1 for you?" I asked sarcastically.

We had been sparring for about the past 45 minutes in an empty field located inside of Wall Maria. Hanji had mocked me, saying that I really "needed" the extra training. We both knew it was a lie, but seeing as she was my only real friend and squad leader, I humbly obliged.

Hanji sat up to glare at me, retrieving her wooden sparring stick from the ground. I laughed and plunked down next to her, slinging an arm around my knee.

We both looked out over the meadow colored with flowers and streams. The birds sung their songs while soaring overhead.

Oh to be as free as those birds. I thought to myself.

We were not accustomed to this peaceful feeling, so we savored it each chance we got. 

Being a part of the Scout regiment definitely had its perks. I was able to go outside of the walls and see the world beyond, even if there wasn't much to be seen. Just brainless titans running around trying to catch a meal, but they only thing that got was their napes sliced.

Being a part of Hanji's squad was even better. She always made me laugh, and she had taken me under her wing after being assigned to her squad, showing me more kindness than I deserved.

It had been about a two years since I graduated from the cadet corps. I was second in my class. My overseer listed my strengths as follows: ruthless, dedicated, perceptive, and most of all, deadly.

I did not hesitate in joining the Scouts, I knew right from the start that I wanted to protect as many people as possible while also doing my best to pave a path for humanity. I didn't want future generations to endure what I had. 

My parents didn't support me, of course. They underestimated my skill level and assumed I was marching towards my death. We had argued every night up until I left for cadet corps. They were begging for me to reconsider. My father even threatened to tie me up and not let me leave. 

One thing about me, I don't let anyone's opinions sway my decisions. I am my own person and they were going to have to come to terms with that.

I haven't spoken to them since leaving to join the Scouts, but they haven't tried to reach out to me either. It stung a little during the first few weeks, wondering if they had ever cared about me. But after I got used to the pain, it quickly turned into a numb whisper in the back of my mind.

It doesn't affect me as much anymore, Hanji is my family now.

Hanji sighed loudly, pulling me from my own thoughts.

"What's wrong Ji?" I asked, turning to face her.

She ran her hand through her ponytail and smiled meekly back at me.

"Oh nothing!" She laughed. "Just thinking about what to try next for my titan experiment!"

I rolled my eyes and gave her a light shove, "Oh my god, do you ever think about anything else?"

"Well," Hanji started, I could see her gloomy eyes through her googles, "I was also thinking about how Commander Erwin summoned us tonight."

She rubbed her arm nervously.

Hanji was almost never nervous. Her bravery was one of the many things that I admired about her. She almost always had a smile on her face and lights up every room that she enters. Over the past couple of years, she was always there for me, and I offered the same support for her. 

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

"Hey, don't worry about it, I bet it's nothing." I said. "And I'll be there with you, the whole time."

"You're a life saver." Hanji whispered in response, twisting her head up to look at me.

"I'm your second for a reason, I'll be with you through thick and thin, always." I smiled down at her.

She kiss her fingers and then pressed them to my forehead. "Thank you." She responded sweetly.

Hanji shook my arm off and grunted as she stood. She spun and offered a hand out to me.

"We should probably head back to headquarters now, Erwin will be waiting for us." She said.

"Yeah, you're right." I took her hand and allowed her to pull me up. "Then I can tell Erwin all about how I kicked your ass in training!"

Hanji gasped and pulled her hand back to punch me, but I had already countered by sprinting out of her reach.

She chased me and yelled, "YOU WILL TELL HIM NO SUCH THING!"

We dashed to the city. With me laughing, and Hanji desperately trying to grab me.


"You-" Hanji panted, "are so dead."

She was leaning forward, hands on her knees, attempting to steady her breathing. I did the same while trying to suppress my laughter.

Hanji and I were standing in the courtyard outside of scouts headquarters, wiping away our sweat and preparing for our meeting with the Commander.

I elbowed Hanji and motioned for her to follow me towards the entrance. She followed, continuing to shove into my side as payback. We hopped up the steps and entered the large, stone building. 

Drifting through the corridors, we headed towards Erwin's office. The cobblestone hallways were lightly decorated with framed documents and torches. A slim red carpet was laid out along the floor, smeared with dirt that had been brought in from our excursions outside the walls. 

Hanji's smirk disappeared suddenly, causing me to look up from the carpet to see that we were standing in front of Commander Erwin's towering wooden doors. She straightened her back and used her hands to smooth down her hair and the front of her shirt, repeatably. 

I recognized this as a habitat formed by Hanji's anxiety. 

"Hey," I lightly grabbed her shoulder, directing her attention towards me, "it's going to be alright, it is just for any updates."

My words appeared to reassure her. She nodded her head to me once in agreement before facing the doors again.

This time, even I stiffened as she reached her hand out and shoved open the solid doors.

The doors swung open with a creak, both Hanji and I cringed at the sound. It was a more dramatic entrance than we were going for, but at least it announced our arrival.

To our surprise, Erwin was not the only one present in the room, two others sat beside him. They all gazed up to stare at us, clearly not excepting us to be there either. 

This isn't going to be good. 


Age changes.

Y/N - about 21

Levi - 26

Eren and the Levi Squad - 18

Hanji - 24

I'm doing this to make the story legal lol. 

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