Chapter Twenty Seven

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***Just reminder, we have skipped forward two weeks to the night before the scouting mission. ***

I know we are all crying over Levi's POV, but just remember that Y/N doesn't know what has been going through his head. She feels like he abandoned her after hearing about her night terrors and other issues. 

Y/N acts out of pain and anger.

Much love xoxo.


Back to Y/N's POV

Training was just as shitty as every other day.

But on a happy note, Jean finally had his cast removed and was now moving around much faster. He still had a slight limp, but he had improved greatly. 

Jean was just happy that I no longer had an excuse to drag him through the air with my ODM gear. 

Training had just ended and we were now all panting in the courtyard, waiting for Levi to dismiss us. 

I was hunched over with my hands on my knees, while Jean stood next to me, staring down. He started to quietly laugh to myself while gazing down at me. I had no idea why, but knowing Jean,  I guessed that it was probably from something inappropriate.

For no reason at all, Jean suddenly pretended to collapse dramatically, and fell onto me. His back arched over mine. 

I grunted under his weight, but held us both up with the little strength that I had left.

"Very funny." I scowled at Jean, turning to my left to stare at his face.

Because he was a great deal taller than me, his head only hovered a few inches above the stone. His back was against mine as he held a hand to his forehead, acting as if he was light headed.

He turned to look at me and shot me a wicked grin. 

My knees were shaking as I struggled to keep us both upright. 

Everyone else around us weren't watching. They were too busy stretching their worn out muscles and chatting about what was for dinner. Therefore, no one offered to help remove Jean from my body.

"I'm going to kill you." I grunted to Jean, while I attempted to use my hands to swat him off of me.

He laughed and tilted slightly to get closer to my face.

"You know, you have said that a lot. But I'm just wondering, when are you actually going to do it?" He whispered. 

His comment took me off guard, and I finally collapsed underneath his weight.

I fell directly onto my stomach, Jean grunted as well, but remained laying on my back.

"Bloody hell." I grunted loudly, squeezing my eyes shut from his weight.

Our noisy fall had grabbed the attention of the other squad members, and they all turned to peer at us sprawled out on the stone. I was being utterly flattened by Jean's body, but he seemed perfectly content as he continued to lay on top of me.

Even Levi spun to see what all the the commotion was about. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see Petra standing above me. She held a hand over her mouth as she tried to hide her giggles. 

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