Chapter Five

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I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! I know we haven't seen much of Levi yet, but it's all about building suspense. ;)

Don't worry, I have very ~spicy~ things planned. 

Much love xoxo.


Captain Levi was standing outside of my bedroom, his expression sour and his eyes tired. His stance expressed his irritation and his eyebrows were raised, waiting for my response.

We both knew that I had received his note.

"Well good morning Sunshine, you appear extra cheery today." I slouched against the door, still not completely awake.

"I don't have time for this." He shoved past me and stomped into my bedroom. With his hands on his hips, he studied every portion of my room with his judgmental eyes."This room is atrocious."

I laughed, "Bold of you to assume I care about your assessment".

Levi did a one-eighty to face me. I was still against the door, but he marched up to me. He stopped so close that his face was only inches from mine. The smell of tea and parchment radiated off of him.

He whispered, "You would do well to hold your tongue around me."

Our breathes intertwined as I slowly exhaled. Shocked by the close proximity, I took a step back, granting him victory. 

A smug look spread across his face before he walked to my nightstand. My reaction was exactly what he wanted. He wanted me to be intimated. 

He picked up the same book that Hanji had earlier.

"Tch." He said as he read the cover, but nothing else. None of the other sly comments that I was expecting.

Levi rubbed a finger across the surface of my bedside table, then picked it up to examine the dust. He flicked it off of his finger with an exaggerated motion, then set his eyes on the rose.

"Boyfriend?" He asked, his voice lacked any enthusiasm. His back was still toward me, stopping me from being able to read his face.

"Something like that," I huffed out quickly, not caring about his question. "I don't know if it's the smartest thing for a male superior to be in a female subordinate's room."

Levi let out a low exhale, almost sounding like a laugh. He spun to face me, his eyes piercing mine.

"So you finally admit that I'm your superior?" A trace of victory in his tone.

I opened my mouth to respond, then closed it to a pout once I realized my mistake.

A small smile formed on his face, but was quickly removed as he straighted. "Just to be clear, since you refused to show for our meeting this morning, you will be coming with me now."

"Yeah, no thank you." I replied. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"I think you misheard me, it wasn't an offer, it was an order." His voice was ridged and demanding, he was done messing around.

"Where?" I asked as he started walking towards me and the door.

He had just shifted past me and was in the hallway when he turned, "Do you always ask so many damn questions?"

I rolled my eyes in response.

He stayed in the hallway, eyeing my body for a split second before bringing his gaze back up. I was shocked by his forwardness, I would have never expected those looks from a man like him.

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