Chapter 1

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~JJ's POV~
  -9AM Forensic Science Class; trying not to fall asleep-
Why on earth did I decide to take a 9AM class? I am so exhausted! To be honest, this wasn't one of my brightest ideas but it was the only way I could have time to get home and get changed to get to my first day of my new internship. But before I get into all of that, let me introduce myself! My name is JJ Stokes, and I'm the 21 year old daughter of Nick Stokes, who is the head of the Las Vegas Crime Lab. Currently I am majoring in forensic science at UNLV, and currently I'm in one of my forensic science class. I really love my major and you would have thought I would have wanted to get away from this stuff since I practically grew up around the Las Vegas Crime Lab. You know thinking about all of that is making me fall asleep quicker.
  We are currently 15 minutes into our 90 minute lecture and and I'm about half asleep and currently sitting smack dab in the front row where my professor can see me!
Dr Grissom, my professor, then sought out the opportunity to wake me up and embarrass me. Dr. Grissom- "Ms. Stokes! I suggest you wake up and pay attention to the lecture since this information will be on the exam this week!"
When he said that, I woke and received a glare from him that I know all to well!
   You see I've known the professor  since the day I was born. His name is Gil Grissom and before he returned to his career of teaching he was graveyard shift supervisor at the Las Vegas Crime Lab and my dads boss, so when I woke up to his "I need to speak to after class" glare which was followed by his "you are just like your father" eye roll, i knew I had it coming. I then nodded my head and managed to stay awake for the rest of the lecture.
   The rest of the class managed to go by pretty quickly.
Dr. Grissom - "alright class, please make sure to read over chapters 4 and 5, which discuss DNA and fingerprint analysis. Make sure you have prepared thorough notes for next class. That's all for today, see you next class! Have a good day."
   With that, the class was dismissed, but I hung around and waited for everyone to before going up to talk to uncle Gil. I only call him that outside of class or when we are at family gatherings other than that I call him Dr. Grissom.
Me - "you wanted to see me after class uncle Gil?"
Uncle Gil - "yes. JJ, it's not normal for you to fall asleep in class. What's up?"
Me - "sorry about that. I guess I'm just tired. I was up late last preparing for my first day at the lab."
Uncle Gil - "that's right! Your internship starts today! Are you excited?"
Me - "yes and no."
Uncle Gil -"why the no?"
Me - "because both my dad and uncle Greg have already been making me read over 10 cold cases. They say I'm helping with them for my week."
Uncle Gil - "now I understand why your tired. But don't worry! You'll do fine!"
Me - "yes sir! And sorry about dozing off!"
Uncle Gil - "it's alright just don't do it again! Now get going so your not late! And good luck JJ!"
Me - "yes sir and thank you! Say hi to Gracelyn for me! Bye uncle Gil!"
Uncle Gil - "I will! Bye JJ!"
    And with that being said, I walked out of the building and went and got in my truck. I left campus, stopped to get some food and then headed back to mine and  my dads place to get ready to head to the lab. Uncle Gil's talk made my nerves calm down a lot and now I'm not as nervous as I was. I think I'm gonna have a pretty great first day!

Authors Note: alright! The first chapter is complete!! I hope everyone likes it! Please feel free to let me know what you think of it in the comments below!

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