Chapter 2

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"I really did hit one."

"Sure, Hiccup." Gobber mumbles.

"He never listens."

"Well it runs in the family." Gobber says.

"And when he does, it's with this disappointed scowl, like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich. 'Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra-large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone.' "

" 'And a lovely proper girl, not this rebellious yak-built girl.' " I chime in.

"No, you're both thinking about this all wrong. It's not so much what you look like, it's what's inside that he can't stand."

"Gee, thanks." I mutter.

"Thank you for summing that up." Hiccup says.

"Look, the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not." Gobber explains.

"We just wanna to be one of you guys." I say as Hiccup and I walk inside our house. We immediately run through the back door and into the forest. We walk for ages and I keep an arrow notched on the string just in case. Hiccup takes up and starts scribbling in his book. I sigh. He's given up. I know he has and I'm sure we hit a dragon.

"Oh, the gods hate us. Some people lose their knife or their mug. Not us, we manage to lose an entire dragon." I hear him hit a branch that hits him back as it flies back to its place. He stands still for a moment and then drags me down a weird crater. We crawl up a bit, then gasps and pulls me down. I hear him fumble around and draw his knife. We go from behind trees to behind rocks getting closer. I hear breaths coming from something behind the rock we're hiding behind. Hiccup peaks around and I hear him stand up tall and say,

"Oh, wow. I-I-I did it. Ohh, I did it. This- this fixes everything! Yes! I have brought down this mighty beast!" Hiccup says, before the dragon bellows and Hiccup gets pushed into me, causing both of us to fall over. The dragon is now breathing heavily. We get up and I have my arrow ready to fire at the dragon in front of us. I hear the small chirps of a Nadder.

"Hiccup. I think there's a Nadder in there, too." I whisper to Hiccup.

"You take the Nadder, I'll take the Night Fury."

The Night Fury gives a guttural moan and I hear the Nadder's squawks of fear. We both take a couple of breaths and I hear Hiccup say, "I'm gonna kill you, dragon. I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. I'm a Viking. I'm a Viking!" The Night Fury groans louder and the Nadder cries out in absolute terror. My heart breaks a little and I have trouble keeping my arm steady. All of us are breathing heavily and then the Night Fury moans in absolute acceptance of death. I try to let go of the string, but I just can't. I hear Hiccup having the same moral battle. I slowly lower my bow and put my arrow back in my quiver.

"I did this." Hiccup says backing up.

"Well, what are we gonna do about them?" I ask Hiccup.

"We have to free them." I nod and he starts getting to work. I hear the sawing of the ropes and after three snaps, I hear two growls and I feel a foot push me to the ground and talons on either side of my neck. I close my eyes, accepting my fate. I hear Hiccup breathing heavily and struggling. A low growl turns into a roar as the Nadder roars in my face. Then it abruptly leaves and I hear the two dragons trying to fly away. I hear Hiccup panting. I get up and I hear Hiccup fainting. Oh great. Now I have to carry him back.

I pick up my bow, put it across my chest and pick up Hiccup. I walk back to Berk with a sleeping Hiccup. Once we're near the village, I feel him wake up. I put him back and we walk inside our house together. Dad is waiting for us, so there's no escape. He was stoking the fire and, so we try to sneak past, but on our way up, he calls,

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