My last option

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She sighed as she walked down the dim street. She could feel a pit start
to form in her stomach as she thought about what she was doing and where she was going.

She finally stopped walking as she looked up and saw she was at the hotel where she had to make the deal.

She walked through the hotel entrance and walked up the stairs through the floors till she found room 666.

She put her right hand on the handle and closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she opened it, trying to calm her nerves.

As she opened the door, she looked around the dimly lit room. She still had doubts about what she was doing, but she had no choice.

She took out the sheet of paper and read the summoning spell on it. As the spell came to an end the lights started to flicker and she could feel someone staring at her.

As she started to search the darkened room, she came to a halt as she spotted a pair of bright yellow eyes watching her.

 "Well, color me surprised," said Azazel, "Out of everyone in the world  you're the last person I would have expected to have summoned me

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"Well, color me surprised," said Azazel, "Out of everyone in the world you're the last person I would have expected to have summoned me." "So, what do you want," He continued," Why am I here."

" I want to make a deal." she stated. A hint of fear present in her voice.

As she said that, he smiled evilly from ear to ear. "Of course you do." he said wickedly. " I heard Dean and Sam are having a hard time getting that mark off Dean's arm."

She didn't speak. She just stood there staring at the floor. " That's why I'm here," she said as she lifted her gaze to meet his," I know you can remove the mark." She said with confidence.

"And why should I?" He chuckled with a hint of curiosity.

"Name your price." She said with a neutral face.

He continued to smile maliciously at her. " The Winchesters must mean a lot to you if you're willing to do anything I asked of you." He asked like it was a question.

" I owe them." She said

"So just because you owe them, you're here making a deal with me." He said with an amused voice, as if he didn't believe her. "That can't be all," he stated, " You have to also care about them if you're willing to bargain with me." He argued.

" I guess you could say I care about them." She stated

"Now what do you want for removing the mark." She questioned sternly
He looked at her, his eyes trailing her thinking about what he wanted. " Well, I could take your soul as payment or I could try something new", he said as he stared at her, " I could make you my servant, have you do some of my dirty work like torturing people."

"Which one will it be?" she said as if she was bored by the conversation.

He chuckled at the tone of her voice. " For someone who's bargaining with a Prince of Hell, you seem offly bored." Azazel scoffed.

"Well, I would like our conversation to end soon." she stated matter of factly.

He softly chuckled again. He then continued to talk, "So about our deal..", but he was cut off by her.

"I don't care if you choose my soul or make me your servant, all I ask is you remove the mark from Dean's arm WITHOUT KILLING HIM OR HARMING HIM and give me 10 years."

"No." He snickered

"NO?" She replied

"I'm not going to give you 10 years." He said

"But that's how long you give everyone else." She argued

"And you're not everyone else, you're... special, plus when Dean and Sam find out they'll probably do whatever it takes to get you out your deal. 10 years is far too much time for them to figure something out." Azazel stated.

" I won't tell them then." She said

" They'll figure it out one way or another."
"Fine, 5 years." She said firmly.

"No." He stated again lifting his finger up to emphasize his point.

"Seriously." She questioned

"Yup" He said as if he was cheerful. "You get one year then I come knocking."

She looked at him for a minute then sighed,"Fine."

"Good." He said. "Oh one more thing, to seal the deal you have to kiss me." He said smiling.

She looked at him shocked, "You're joking right."

He looked at her amused, "Sweetheart I've never been more serious."

She stood there looking at him wondering whether she should turn back, but she couldn't. This was her last option to help her friends. To help the only family she had, even if they weren't blood.

"Ok." She told him, her head pointed downward.

Another wicked smile crept across his face as he moved closer to her.

She hadn't realized how close he was until she lifted her head back up. As her head came up she saw his face was only inches from hers. She was startled, but fought the urge to step backward. He stood there looking down at her as if he was waiting to see if she would  back away from him. When she didn't, his head leaned down and he pressed his lips against hers. After a few seconds she expected him to stop kissing her, but he didn't he just leaned in closer. She thought about pushing him away, but thought that might not be the best idea seeing as she needed his help and if he were to get angry he might hurt her. After all, she stood no chance against him. When he still didn't stop kissing her, she decided to start kissing him back. She could see that he was surprised and at the same time seemed a little amused. He started to move forward again, but this time didn't stop til she was against the wall. His body was completely pressed against her. His hands grabbed her wrist and held them in place. His mouth started to move from her lips to her neck. She arched her neck to give him more access. She hummed a small moan as he started to kiss her neck gently. As she did, she could feel another smile make its way to his face. His hands then found their way to her hips.
He continued to kiss her moving between her neck and mouth. She never objected; only kissed him back. Finally, when he started to put his hand slightly up her shirt and she felt something hard pressing against her thigh, she said with a cautious and ragged voice, "I thought only a simple kiss was needed to seal the deal."

He removed his hand from inside her shirt and stepped back slowly. "I guess I got carried away," He said, "Sorry." You could tell he didn't really mean he was sorry. He seemed quite amused by what just happened.

"Ya I can tell you got carried away." She said as she looked into his eyes and quickly turned her head to the side, feeling uncomfortable with the bulge in his pants. Her face slightly blushed.

"Oh, come on don't be so shy." He said with a hearty laugh.

"So I guess we're done making our deal now." She said.

"I guess so," He said.

"Unless you'd like to continue?" He asked with a somewhat seductive tone.

"I'm good." She said with a shaky and surprised tone.

He stepped forward, and again his face was inches from hers.

Her face turned to look at his.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you in a year." He said.

"Although, I might come to check in on you sooner than that." He said with an alluring tone while staring into her eyes.

"I can't wait till our next encounter." Azazel said enthusiastically with a sinister smile
spread across his face.

And just like that he disappeared and she was alone in the room once more.

My last option (Azazel fanficiton)Where stories live. Discover now