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A/N: please keep in mind that this is my first fanfic I- whatever what I want to Gay- I mean say is that.. I'm bad at this lets all agree that I'm bad at this anygay, I hope you enjoy this story.

TW: Swearing

Virgil's Pov///

It's so fucking cold right now where I live. I AM DyInG! Fuck.

Why is it so fucking cold I swear to god- "Ugh-" I'm pretty much annoyed because I have 2 blankets and it's S T I L L C O L D! Dammit- Hmmm maybe body heat would help????? But who in the hell would want to cuddle with me? Not Patton or Logan when they started dating they pretty much sleep in eachothers room and HAHAH princey? Nah nah that boi hates me I know for a fact.

I'll just go to the living room to get something warm. I stand up making my way (DOWN TOWN WALKING F A S T okay sorry (cringe1!1!!1)) to the kitchen until I see princey he is pretty much drinking some hot milk, until he notices me and puts the glass of milk down. "What are you doing here?" He said in a confused tone "I couldn't sleep because I'm cold- oh god do you know why it's so cold in here?"

"Uhh- not really"

"Oh k."

I just go sit on the sofa covering myself with a blanket I found. I just sit there dead looking at the turned off tv then I just see princey walking over to me and just sits next to me. "Sooo how was your day?"

"Dude really? That is the only question that can come to your mind? By the way it was pretty dead if I say so"

Roman does a dramatic gasp "Oh I'm sorry my brain isn't working right now! It's all because of how cold it is in here" I notice princey shiver so I cover him with the blanket so we are both sharing. He just looks at me confused "You looked cold (duh) so I thought we could share the blanket?"

"Oh- umm thanks I guess" I then notice a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

Roman's Pov///

Virgil pretty much made me blush like just look how cute he is! His beautiful dark brown eyes, his bangs just almost covering part of his face, and he doesn't have make-up so I can pretty much see his freckled face.

I move a little bit closer to him then he does the same, we get closer and closer until we are cuddled up together.

"Hey virgil.."


"What if I told you I... I had a big fat crush on you?"

The room keeps silent he just looks at me with a suprised face, "Well what if I told you that I do have a crush on you too?"

"I would be happy" I say.

"Hey ro?"


"I love you"

"I love you too my chemically imbalanced romance~"

We then look at eachother getting closer and closer until we close the gap. Nothing really mattered anymore, cold? Never heard of her- wait- OMG I'M KISSING VIRGIL I- I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR A LONG TIME! ROMAN DON'T FUCK UP.

Virgil's Pov///

We then started kissing... KISSING?!? MY FIRST KISS OH GOD AaaAAaAaAAaAaaA WHAT DO I DO?!? OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD. Virgil get your shit together. We then parted away looking at eachothers eyes blushing, I smile at roman and get a lot more closer to him.

"So are we like boyfriends now?-"

"Yes~" princey smiles HhHh he is just too perfect.

We then pretty much fall asleep in eachothers arms happy.

~Morning brought to you by 'I really need to find a life😎'~

Patton's Pov///

I wake up in the morning just walking down the stairs until I see... OMG THAT'S VIRGIL AND ROMAN CUDDLED UP TOGETHER OMG OMG! MY SHIP FINALLY!! I take my phone out so I can take pictures of Roman, and virgil together maybe I can use them as blackmail ;).

Virgil's Pov///

I wake up smiling until I notice PATTON?!?! HE IS TAKING PICTURES! OH GOD- I stand up and run up to him taking his phone away not noticing princey waking up. "Patton why?!" I say blushing madly.

"What's happening?" I hear Roman say with a tired voice.

"Uhhhh- Nothing! Go back to sleep go"

"Not until you get back here with me"

"Hahaha very funny joke-"

"Go kiddo" Patton pushes me over to the sofa and I fall on roman I swear to god Patton I'll make you pay one day but now I just want to focus on my boyfriend.

A/N I hope you enjoyed hahaahahhahahha :'^)

794 words

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