#14: distrust

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Every time Taehyun screwed up on anything, he was punished to kneeling in front of the family altar. If he's lucky it'll last an afternoon, but once he passed out in the huge room after two whole days in there. 

Opening the door and stepping in, he heard the door click, signaling it was locked. 

Sighing, he went to the designated little pillow on the floor, kneeling on it as he observed the altar. 

It was just like every other time he was in here; big panels of Jesus and Mary's lives decorated with intricate carvings of gold and rubies hung high while moonlight shone through the round windows on the high, vaulted ceiling, also decorated with gold. A wooden table sat at the top of the stairs leading to the altar, cleaned and oiled so that it shines. Various scented candles and other offerings littered the bare, stone stairs while a huge cross stuck proudly in the middle, behind the wooden table. 

Taehyun had to admit, it was beautiful. His grandparents were devoted Christians so they dedicated all their time adding things to this room to the point it was cluttered, which makes it a supposedly great place to hide if there wasn't a big window leading to his parent's room above the whole thing. 

He always thought Jesus and Mary were staring at him weirdly during his stay here, with their piercing eyes and pointed noses. When he was young, he would pray for forgiveness and cry himself to sleep; but he had soon learned that praying changes nothing. 

So he toughened up; he would sneer at the paintings and put out all the candles, deliberately curse all the forbidden words he was told not to, even once threw a golden ball through the window. Those didn't end well, naturally. 

He was used to people distrusting him, saying things like "He's a Kang; all they do is lie", "Thank you but I'd prefer to do this myself"; or the particularly hurtful one from his father, "Children don't need to know this."

He was used to it, and they didn't bother him anymore. But tonight something was different. 

The blatant distrust in Hyunjin's eyes wasn't the part that stings the most, but the cautious, or even scared gaze from the silver-haired boy beside him. 

Taehyun doesn't know why too; perhaps he had always thought Beomgyu could understand his feelings, of being forced to take sides and carrying all the responsibility on his shoulders. He thought Beomgyu didn't care about the hatred running through their families. 

But then, he was completely right and rational for being cautious. If Taehyun was in his place he would distrust the other too--but why does it hurt so much? 

He knew the whole Kang family trusts him, but somehow the way a particular Choi doesn't makes his heart feel a little empty. 

And it feels weird. 

"How's the party?" Yeonjun asked from his spot on the sofa. He had dyed his hair pink with purple highlights recently, earning a scolding from Mum for "being too much of a show-off".  Of course, being the confident person he is, Yeonjun kept the hairstyle. 

"Fine," Beomgyu said, trying his best to look down and hide the bandages on his face but to no avail. 

"Whoa, buddy, got into a fight?" Yeonjun said, making Soobin look up from his phone. He got his hair dyed blue with Yeonjun and being the most obedient of the Choi brothers, he got away with it quite easily by telling Mum he was "loosening up". 

"Nah, fell by myself," the silver-haired boy said quietly, walking quickly to his room, but Soobin caught his wrist, turning him around to examine the wounds. 

"Doesn't look like you fell," he retorted, "unless you fell on a porcupine."

"I did, Hyunjin bought one as a pet," Beomgyu tried. 

"Like I'll actually believe that," Soobin scoffed, "those look like nail marks."

Suddenly, the phone rang. Yeonjun sighed and picked it up, mumbling a "hello?" before his eyes widened as he heard the news.

"What happened?" Soobin asked, suddenly curious because Yeonjun doesn't really get surprised a lot. 

"Dad said Old Kang went to Hwang's bar. They saw him and a bunch of men at the parking lot. Nobody heard gunshots though."

"Why on earth are they there? At that hour?" Soobin exclaimed, then looked at Beomgyu suspiciously. 

"I didn't see him, I was having fun with my friends," the younger said, succeeding in walking back to his room, slamming the door shut. 

Yeonjun sighed as Soobin plopped down on the sofa again, smiling into his phone. "He still doesn't know how to lie properly."

"He'll come round eventually," the blue-haired boy said, "He at least needs to take a bath after getting on his bed."


kinda a filler but the drama's gonna come pretty soon

btw I finally preordered minisode1: blue hour on weverse shop (I really wanted all three versions but i'm too broke so I only ordered my favorite version)

*upcoming character death in future chapters

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