03 • Detectives Words

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Art by FleshKiss.
They're on Tumblr. You should check them out.

The ride was silent.

Shuichi's stare had been locked out the turned windows, for Atua knows how long. But the sky was beginning to settle in a soft dusk, the mixture of blue turning dark as the night sky was coming on them.

Kirigiri had stopped for fuel once or twice, but she didn't stop driving. Shuichi's river of tears only stopped once his eyes were red and itchy, his breathing heaving as he struggled to get oxygen in his pained lungs. Neither one reached for the radio knob.

"Shuichi," she asked softly. Her voice was soft, tender. Like a bell chiming softly in the distance.

Shuichi didn't cast her a single glance.

"You would be locked up too-""-why didn't you let them lock me up?" Shuichi snapped, his time toxic towards the detective. Kirigiri's face was deadpanned, her stare focused on the road.

Her violet eyes puzzled and filled with thoughts, while Shuichi's silver ones were burning up.

"You're a good kid, Shuichi. You still have your life ahead of you. The criminal has done too many crimes for anyone's liking. It's best that he is locked up." She replied back, the car turning onto an old bridge.

"Kokichi, hasn't don't anything wrong," the navy haired boy replied back, his stare targeted on his partnering detective, "he only robbed places. Even then he didn't completely loot them of money. He took some of it. He's never killed anyone!' He argued back.

That was true. Kokichi wouldn't kill anyone. And, he didn't take every bit if money. Only enough for his crew to live off of for the month. Sure, that was bad but it wasn't as bad as what was happening around the city. Kokichi, was only a minor villain.

"What lies has he told you? Shuichi, the evidence is all there he killed people. Tortured people for information. Shuichi, you can't be blinded by what a liar tells you." Kirigiri spoke back calmly, the cars tires tapping against the bridge.

"No! He hasn't killed anyone! And I l-"

Kyoko's glare hardened, turning to Shuichi. Her aura was sudden suffocating, dangerous. One similar to Maki's, but this one was rare. Shuichi's mouth shut close, his body trembling.

"You protected him out of love. Do you understand what's at risk here? Shuichi, I explained to the entire police department that this was your part in our plan in capturing him. That you trick him into loving him. Don't you remember my words back then?" She questioned, her stare moving back towards the road.

Shuichi's stare shifted to his lap, his index fingers scratching at the side of his thumbs as he tried to remember.

His hands dropped by his side's, uncuffed. The detective came back to earth, his stare snapping to Kirigiri as she tightly grasped his arm. She was talking. About something. But her voice was drained out, and his attention was directed to Kokichi.

She was talking.

"You did a great job in deceiving Kokichi Ouma, Shuichi. Even I'm impressed with your acting skills. You fooled a liar in his own game..."

The thought drained itself out. The car was turned onto dirt tracks, his stare moving towards Kirigiri. He couldn't speak. She lied. She lied and now Kokichi doesn't trust him. She did this. She did this. He won't trust him again. He wouldn't-

"5 days."

"5.. Days?" Shuichi repeated back to her.

"5 days you'll be condemned to this house. The police plan to catch his league. You're not allowed to leave this house. No one but me is allowed to visit you. After the 5 days I will come pick you up. Even after that you will still be watched.

"I know you know how to contact his league, which still are out roaming, they're using you as bait. This is the next part of our plan." Kirigiri spoke out lowly.

".. Do they think his league is going to come to me to help get Kokichi out?"

"They do."

Shuichi dropped silent.

Come to him to break Kokichi out of jail?
It was false.

They couldn't contact him.

He didn't have a phone, nor did he figure there would be a phone in the house. If they can't come to him..

"Shuichi, please don't leave the house. Fight for your innocence. Everything you need is already in the house." Kirigiri spoke, the jeep hauling to the stop.

Shuichi turned his attention towards the building in question.

It wasn't massive, it was like a small cottage surrounded by woods. A chimney sprouting out from the top of the wooden roof, the walls made out of stone. The Windows glimmered in the dying light, a dirt path leading to the door.

Shuichi moved himself out, slamming the door shut behind him. Once he reached the door, he sucked in a breath and slid the door open.

The scent of old books, cottage pie and a fireplace attacked his nose, his eyebrows shifting together to glance towards Kirigiri, Who was turning the car around to leave.

He entered, and shut the door behind himself.

The silence drew on him.

His legs trembled. Eventually they gave way, plummeting Shuichi to the ground. His back slamming against the old, wooden door, his slender fingers rose up to clutch at his strands of navy hair.

He couldn't breathe. His throat itching for air, his knees pressing against his chest. He pressed his face to to the top of his knees, his shoulders shaking as he gave out horribly loud sobs into the foreign air.

He could feel the eyes on him. The mouths opening and laughing, fingers prodding in his direction. He wanted it to all stop. He wanted Kokichi back. This wasn't fair. It wasn't fair.

Reering his head back, Shuichi released a shattered scream into the air filled with his sobs. He screamed.

He screamed, shouted and slammed his fists against the doors.

The tears came back, stinging his eyes like a hot iron.

He screamed. He screamed. He screamed.

He cursed. He hollered. He begged. He broked down, he threw fists. This cycle repeated itself.

The silence only returned once the detective had screamed himself to sleep.

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