04 • His Side Kick

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Art by Lemonteastar.
They make stunning artworks. Check them out on Tumblr, too.

Shuichi woke up early that morning. His face burning up as the sun's new rays of light smiled through the windows. They stung his eyes, so he drew the curtains across to block them out. The fireplace crackled as he placed the room, searching each and every crevice the living room held.

The living room was vintage. The floor was dark wood, the baby brown couch resting upon a bear fur, various golden framed hanging by the walls. The lights were flower shaped and hanged by three on the roof, which was turned off. Two large fern plants, fake, rested in the far corners.

A bookshelf filled with detective novels by  the right of the fireplace and near thrown doorway which Shuichi would be reading if his situation was better.

There was no secrets. No marks. Nothing.

Not even in the kitchen, bathroom or the bedroom.

He couldn't find cameras either, but he *knew* he was being watched. His every movement, his every breath. Maybe they were embedded in the walls, expertly blending with the walls. Or maybe, his paranoia was growing dangerous.

But he didn't think that was the case.

He knew it wasn't.

Because of Kirigiri's words.

She was being watched too.

Shuichi's head was much more clear now, and he could remember the words she casually slipped up.

"Shuichi, I explained to the entire police department that this was your part in our plan in capturing him."

"This is the next part of our plan"

"Fight for your innocence. Everything you need is already in the house."

Kirigiri didn't tell him anything about a plan like this. He knew this. That was just a cover story for her next words.

The next part of our plan.

Fight for your innocence.

Everything you need is already in the house.

She was with him. She knew. She was playing a large game here. But why? Didn't she hate Kokichi? Shuichi shook his head softly, placing himself onto the couch after grabbing a novel. All that mattered was that Kirigiri was with him. Maybe, she wasn't. Maybe he was imagining that her words meant something more. But, that was enough.

Wiping his far dry eyes, Shuichi sniffled softly, pulling the black sweaters sleeves to cover his palms, curling up as he opened the book.

Shuichi stared at the rusted, bronze key rested in the pages. It blended in with the first cover, a dark brown shade with weird, scribbled dots in them. A small smile spreading across his drying lips, he brought the book up close to his face. He allowed the key to slip into his lap. Turning the page, his stare drifted towards the black inked writing nearly scribbled by bolder words.

Hide the key. Don't use it until night. 12 - 3. One time use.

Shuichi stared at the words, before turning the page once more.


Night was dawning on the forest area quietly. Song birds were chiming up and the honey-swarmed sun was beginning to rest to allow the crescent moon to rise high in the sea of dark clouds.

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