Chapter 4 - Friends?

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It had been a couple of hours since she had ate and mysteriously Sintara had disapeared. Elaiza started getting bored and decided to read a book. She was always had a intrest in magic. She loved reading about ancient myths, about old places that were belived to be connected to witches or wizards. She loved researcing about these kind of facts. She walked to her room. And walked over to her book shelf. She started going through her books to find something new but no luck. She had read all of her books. She decided to look in her wardorbe to see if she left a book there. When she walked closer the wardorbe suddenly begain to shake. She felt scared at first but then she heard a loud bark. She opended the door to find exactly what she expected. It was a dog. It was a bit smaller then her. She reached out towards it and it jumped towards her making her fall. She smile and gently rubbed its head.

"Hi there naughty what were you doing in there?" She asked and saw a coller on its neck. "Holiday-well nice to-" she was cut out from a loud bang on the window. Holiday got of her and went near the window.

"holiday get back here" she whispered.

Holiday didnt seem to hear her so she went near her table to find something useful and saw a flower vase. The one that her mother had given to her on her 11th birthday. She grabed it and decided to use it for self defense. What could it be? A monster, a dragon, a dinousor her head was filled with several answers. She found her self shaking as she managed to walk forward.

" wh-whose there" she said in a shaky voice.

Suddenly the banging stop she went towards the window cluthing on the vase.
The window was open and there was no one sight.

"Strange" she said to her self.

And suddenly she felt someone behind her

"Hi" the mysterious voice said.


He fell down to the ground. Elaiza didnt think straight and knocked him unconcious.
Holiday came and started to lick his face. Elazia relised it was a boy about her age. He had long dirty blonde hair. He was wearing a wierd costume.

" oh he dead." She whispered to holiday.

Holiday kept on licking his face. And he begain to move. He slowly opened his eyes. And smiled " is that how you treat your guests?" He smiled and tried to get up.

" no-here let me help" Elaiza said extending her arm to help the stranger infront of her.
"you scared me half to dead" she said.

" yeah i relised that" he said. Touching his head.

"Sorry about your head. Why were you in my room anyways?" She asked crossing her arms.

"I belive you have Holiday " he said looking towards the dog who was standing in between them.

" oh is he yours? He is very sweet". She said kneeling down to Holiday.

" really? He is very shy around people" he said kneeling down as well.

" yeah i found him in my wardorbe" she said looking at him.

" whats your name? I just moved here yesterday" he said

"Elaiza- whats yours?" she asked.

"Stephan-nice to meet you" he said extending his arm so she could shake it.

" you too" she smiled shaking his hand.

"Friends? I mean i dont really have friends here since i just move only one . I'd love to become yours" He said letting go

"sure i never had any friends either" she smiled.

"Why not?you seem cool" He asked

"Thanks your the only ones who seem to say that" she said and took a deep breathe." The neibores think i am weird, and too bookish" she finally confessed sitting down.

"Oh well... I like bookish people" he said and sat down beside her

"Thanks" She said. She felt gald that she met him.

Maybe she had found a friend.

Just maybe

" you know i never really remambered when i last had a friend because of my personality" she confessed. Sitting on her wooden floor.

" well they are stupid. They re ingnoring a wonderful person." He said as in on of her chairs. He gave her a small smile. She smiled back at him. Holiday seemed to be left out. He kept turning his head as they spoke. Finally he seemed to get enough at went near Elaiza resting his head on her lap.

" what happen boy?" She asked. Looking coencerned.

"Dont worry he does that when he doesnt get much attention. He just a big drama queen" he said getting up from his chair.
And suddenly...


"Okay this time i am certain its a monster" she said. Grabing hold of hoilday. Hoping he doesnt run away.

"Or dragons it could be dragons. It'll come and burn down your whole house" he said trying to scare her by making scary noises " Elaiza i am here to eat your brains" he said.
She playfully slapped him arm. "This isnt funny-besides zombies eat brains not dragons read a little" she said.


Another loud knock came on her window. Her hold holiday became tighter she was near tears. As she was scared of what might happen. Stephan sensed this" I am sure its nothing dont worry" he said " I'll go take a look at it calm down" Stephan begain to walk towards the window. He was suprised that he found a way to move himself forward. He was scared to death.

"please be careful" Elaiza said softly as she looked up.

He gave a signal using her hand to tell her not to worry. Once he got close enough. With his shaky hands he reached to open the window. Which was weird because they didnt close it. As he opened it there was no one not a soul in sight

"See i told it was nothing. You worry too much". He said turning to face her.He realexed a bit suddenly someone jumped towards him making Elaiza scream. They fell down.

"Oh god" Stephan said as he was still beneath the stranger.

" sorry" the stranger said. And helped him get up.

He opened his eyes and realised something. It was not a man but a small boy. And he knew this boy very well.

"Alex" he said.

Elaiza - River Of FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now