Dares part 5

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Dare-(Kenzia_Starr - I dare myself to see the future awesome ones and have le battle with them UwU ( my Bakugan is pyrus Thunderic. It's a thunder bird) AND GIVE ME A COOKIE 🍪!!!!

Meh: ok let's get to work.

Meh: *summoning Kenzia*

Kenzia: Ow! you know you don't have to always make us fall right?

Meh: but I like it.....

Kenzia: ok Aisha you need to start fixing yourself up.

Meh: no way, oh and you and your dare have arrived in the book.

Kenzia: cool

Meh: this is going to take a lot of power in this form but here goes..., * I take me and Kenzia to the future*

Kenzia: woah..., wait how are supposed to find them? This city is full of Bakugan we can't tell who's is who's, and they could have gotten new Bakugan!

Meh: chill, I just need to sense them *Meh does the meditation to try and sense the awesome ones*

Meh: found em' , *telports*

Kenzia: are those kids over it?

Meh: yep,  go ahead, you wanted to battle right?

Kenzia: mhm * walks up to the awesome ones *

Kenzia: um hi are the awesome ones?

Future Dan: we sure are, is there a problem?

Kenzia: no, but I do I want to have a battle!

Future Lia: umm listen kid, we sort of did some training and our Bakugan are wiped out...

Future Dan: I mean like one more battle can't hurt, besides she looks like our fan.

Meh: *Whispers* she is not your fan... when you were younger you used to be tortured by her.

Kenzia: so are we having a battle?

Future Dan: yes we are!

Future Wynton: well you know Dan can't stand down from a battle...

Future Shun: yea, it's kind of his nature

Future Lia: *sighs* Dan and Drago will never get tried when it comes to a battle

Kenzia/ future Dan: Bakugan Brawl!

Kenzia: alright lets go Thunderic!

Future Dan: Go Drago!

* almost the end of the battle, sorry idk what to put in it, I mean  I can do action but this is Dares*

Future Dan: Ok Drago let's finish this, Twisting Inferno! 

* Drago beats thunderic, sorry Kenzia I would say they're older and stronger so they may have beat you...* 

Kenzia: that was a great battle, and one day I will beat you.

Future Dan: well then I'll be waiting

Kenzia: right! *now walks back over to meh*

Kenzia: that battle was so cool, it was like * makes cool explosive noises *

Meh: I think you enjoyed that battle too much, but I get ya

Kenzia: yea but you can- * falls down into a portal*

* meh lands on a bean bag chair and Kenzia lands on the floor *

Kenzia: you are seriously going to pay one day,

Meh: mhm....., anyways it's time to give you a .....cookie..?

Kenzia: Yea a Cookie!

Meh: but there's only one cookie left and it was mine...

Kenzia: but I want it....!

Meh: *pulls Dan over here* Dan tell her this cookie is mine

Kenzia: no tell her that I want a cookie

Dan: ok ok.., maybe you can break the cookie in half.

Kenzia/ meh : no!!!

Dan: maybe one of you can it the cookie now and when the next pack comes then the other one can have it

Meh / Kenzia: But we want cookie now!!!

Dan: why don't you just go to the store and get more

Meh/ Kenzie: no!

Dan: but Aisha you can teleport,

Meh: but I used too , much power because of time traveling

Dan: *calls Magnus in the conner *

Magnus: oh Kouzo, I'm at the store right now, so I can't talk

Dan: can you please get some cookies...

Magnus: umm ok?

*meh and Kenzia still are fighting over the cookie*

 Magnus: I'm back, oh Kouzo here are your cookies

Dan: thank you Magnus,you saved my life....

Dan: here one of you can get a new cookie

Meh / Kenzia: but I want the new cookie!

Dan: well there are two new cookies in here.. *gives them both their own new cookie*

Meh/ Kenzia: Yay! *eats cookie*

Dan: I guess I could eat this cookie since nobody want it, *breaks cookie in half and gives the rest to Magnus*

Magnus: Kouzo, why are you giving me a cookie?

Dan: I guess since you bought the cookies, you should have a cookie too

Magnus: thanks.... *takes cookie and blushes*

Meh / Kenzia: hey we want more cookies..

* both Dan and Magnus run away *

Meh / Kenzia: Hey get back here!

The End for this Part( me and Kenzia usually never fight but cookies is a thing to definitely fight for).

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