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Callum sat on the horse in silence. Ezran was riding along on another horse beside him. The princes knew that tonight would be a grave night for the kingdom. Their aunt Amaya was leading in front of them, a few guards treading along beside her. They were heading to the banther lodge, where the princes would stay for the night. It was safer than staying at the castle.

Tonight would be the night that King Harrow got assassinated. Callum's stepfather. Ezran's father.

They had both overheard Viren talking to his children about the Moonshadow elves coming that night. Time had stopped for Callum. He barely believed it at first but then thought back to Harrow's behavior from earlier that day and it sank in.

The wind blowing through Callum's hair was beginning to irritate him. His legs ached from riding all day. The saddle wasn't made for comfort, and his muscles felt it. Everything at this point would get on his nerves. All he could think of was how he didn't appreciate his stepfather enough while he still had him. He was Callum's only parental figure left and he had wasted it thinking that Harrow hadn't considered him as a son.

Ezran always nagged his brother to call Harrow "dad" but Callum refused. He had a mindset in his head that the King didn't want him too close, that he didn't care for him much. He understood earlier that day how wrong he was. Harrow really cared about him. But the young prince didn't realize that until it was too late. Now he couldn't spend any time with his stepfather and tell him how much he cared about him without knowing.

But Callum couldn't imagine how Ezran felt. Harrow was his first father, and only father, unlike Callum, who'd scarcely known his birth father. Harrow had always been there for Ezran. And now he's gone. The King wouldn't be there to sing Ezran any lullabies before going to sleep. No more forehead kisses. No more fun games of hide and seek in the throne room.

The newfound dragon egg in Ezran's bag was heavy but he didn't let Callum carry it because he thought it was a weight he had to carry on his own, but Callum knew he was going to have to talk to him about it.

But their father would soon be dead and there was nothing they could do about it. Even their last goodbye didn't seem real. The only physical memory he had left of him now was the letter that the King gave him during their last conversation.

As they'd walked away from him, away from the throne room, away from him. Every second that passed her was closer to his death. The idea was still hard for Callum to grasp, too far from his reach. It seemed unbelievable, like there was no way it could happen. But he opened his eyes and the truth would come crashing onto him.

Callum let out a sigh through his nose. He glanced at his brother from the corner of his eye; Who was red-eyed and trying to hold in sniffles. Ahead of them, Amaya was sitting straight on her horse, probably holding a fierce look on her face, but Callum knew she didn't feel very brave. Knowing her, she was going to put a brave face on for him and his brother.

But that didn't make things better.

The young step-prince promised himself that he would always be there to take care of Ezran and do whatever it takes to make sure he's safe. He'd help him grow into a mature and confident king.

King. Ezran would be king. He was next in line for the throne. But he's so young. Thinking of such a burden on his brother made Callum's heart sink. Ezran didn't have an older figure to look to. No one to help him.

Pushing the thoughts out of his head, Callum focused on not falling off his horse.


Rayla sat on the grass with her legs crossed, back slouched, and head low. She let out a long sigh.

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