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BOOM! A loud thud came thundering from the depths of the dark cave. A lone was soldier guarding the mouth of the cave. His body froze. Knight had the appearance of a Roman centurion in how he was armored, but his expression told another story.

He had the terrified look of someone who just realized they had forgot something very important. His sword was nowhere near him. It lay on the ground several yards away. Unused, unsharpened, uncared for. He thought he had heard the sounds of this beast returning from the dark below for sometime, but he had tried to ignore them. It had been just slight taps at first.

He imagined that maybe those taps weren't the beast known as the darkness. Maybe it was just water drops echoing from deep inside the cave. He didn't want to think about the possibility of the darkness having escaped the dungeons below once more. It had been so long since the darkness had last taken him over. Knight had almost forgotten what it was like to battle and be consumed by the darkness. "It's all just in my head" he thought. Of course it was all in his head. The beast. The cave. The dungeons.

Knight looked up from his coffee. He sat silently in his office as the fluorescent lights buzzed above. He looked at the time. "I've been here 45 minutes! How have I not got anything done yet," he thought. Knight was safe in his office. His wife, Sarah, was safe at home with their baby. Life was going great. The cave at the back of his head. The beast from the bottom of that cave. They were just in his head. He shouldn't have any reason to fear. It was all in his head. In his head.


keepsafeee everyone 💜

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