Chapter 1

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I am going off the anime, not the manga or fandom! Which means I am not doing the theories! Dabi will not be a member of the Todoroki family. This is kinda like an AU, Alternate Universe because most of this will most likely not take place in the anime timeline! From my research Dabi is in his 20ts so he will be 23 in this fanfic, don't at me! Their age is never spoken! Warning! THERE may be abuse etc in this fanfic, just a heads up! Please enjoy "Don't go yet.."

(Y/n) Todoroki, (Y/n) was 21. She was born quirkless, she hated her father for the way he acted. Her best friend was her sister, Fuyumi Todoroki. She was 23 but was super nice, you had three brothers but now it was two because one of them was named Toya. He was very young so you don't really remember Toya at all, but sadly he died at a very young age. (Y/n) also has a younger brother named Natsuo, he was 19. He was nice but wasn't much of a talker, (Y/n) however didn't see him very often because Natsuo was in college so he hardly visited. Lastly, you had a much younger brother named Shoto, he is 16 and hardly talks at all.

But (Y.n) couldn't blame him for not talking, for the fact (Y/n)'s father, Enji also is known as Endeavor the now Number 1 Pro Hero, abused Shoto a lot, their mother burned Shoto on the right eye but she couldn't really help the fact she did, so (Y/n) wasn't as mad at her. This is why (Y/n) hated her father with a passion. But that's enough of introductions! This is a story about (Y/n) Todoroki and how she fell in love with a villain named Dabi. So, without further ado, here's the story!


I just opened my eyes to find the light blinding me from someone opening the curtains on my window. "Really? It's not even 12 yet..." I said as if I was drunk, "Come on (Y/n), it's 2 PM. How do you call that 12?" I heard my sister Fuyumi say, "Oh it's 2? I must have been up late again...My bad!" I said while getting out of bed so slow a snail could have beaten me in a race, "You better get dressed quick, we're supposed to meet with Shoto because he's moving into a dorm at U.A." Fuyumi said to me while helping me pick out some clothing, "You would think that the best school in Japan would have better security, then they wouldn't even be in this mess." I said while thinking about how a child gotten kidnapped,

"I still can't believe they "let" someone gets kidnapped out of the blue while they have been attacked multiple times!" I said in disgust, 'This is why I hate "Pro Heroes" they never do anything right!' I thought to myself, "I know you don't like heroes (Y/n) but please act at least a little nice to Shoto while we tell him bye, ok?" Fuyumi says a little worried, "I will act nice as long as that so-called "Pro Hero" isn't there." I said, "(Y/n), you know he's gonna be there! We can't do anything about it, if we could he would probably be behind bars by now for child abuse..." Fuyumi said a little quieter while handing me my shoes.

I decided to wear a dark purple hoodie that was a little too big for my body type, skinny jeans with ripped holes in them, and some black tennis shoes. I also decided to put my hood up because I'm too lazy to do my hair. Two, I want to hide my face as much as possible from my... "father". "(Y/n) are you sure you want to wear that hood up? It's almost 100 degrees outside..." Fuyumi asked in concern, "I'm sure Fuyumi, I'm not that hot anyway," I said while starting to walk out of my room into the dark hallways of the house.

Finally, we make it into the living room where I see Shoto at the door with his suitcase, while on the couch was Rei looking worried about Shoto. And last but not least we have Enji behind the couch staring at his son in...disgust? I can never read Enji's facial expressions to tell what he was thinking, "Shoto! I hope you have fun in U.A! Please text me if you make any friends!!! I'm sure going to miss you!" Fuyumi said while racing up to Shoto and hugging him so tightly I thought he might not be able to breathe.

"Don't go yet..." Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now