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Back in the present, the town sits around Unova's Paladins, wide-eyed and in awe of their tale. It's impossible to imagine the renowned, unbeatable duo ever enduring any type of struggle, no matter how long ago it may have been. It almost feels like a fairytale.

"Was that a satisfactory story?" Mott asks, grinning down at the little girl who kicked it all off.

Little Alice stares back at him with a slack jaw, still marveling. Soon enough, she shakes herself off and raises her hand, proclaiming, "I have a question!"

"Have at it," Mott replies.

"Is all the kissy stuff real?" She asks, making a face of obvious disgust. "Because if it is, that ruins the whole thing for me."

That startles a laugh out of him. "In that case, yes, I made it all up." Lenny shoves him.

Another kid pokes their head up. "Did you really get kicked out of the Alcott family for good?"

Mott shrugs. "I haven't seen any of my family in years, so... I guess so?"

"What happened to Hilda and her family? Do you still visit them?"

"We make sure to meet up a few times every year," Lenny answers, leaning against Mott. "It's getting tougher now that Amari is out adventuring with a team of their own, but we still make it work."

An older woman pipes up. "And what about your family, dearie?" She says to Lenny. "How do they feel about all your traveling and battling?"

Lenny shuffles his feet and grins sheepishly. "They, ah, don't love it. But they're coming around to the idea."

Alice raises her hand again, wondering, "What happened to Torquil and Florian?"

For a moment, both of Unova's Paladin's are silent. They share a glance that communicates something none of the others can understand.

"That's... probably a story for another time," Mott responds, vaguely.

Before anyone can protest or ask another question, a sudden rush of wind whips through the street. The gale rips leaves off trees and shingles off roofs, threatening to tear the town apart. In the center of it all, with a furious scowl on its face, is the legendary tornadus.

"The people of this town failed to offer an adequate sacrifice this year!" The legendary booms, it's voice garbled and strange. Lifting its hands, it raises the currents of wind and collects a barrage of debris. "And for that, you all will become the sacrifice!"

With a mighty roar, it shoots the debris out like bullets, raining down like a meteor shower.

As the town screams, suffering its second catastrophe of the day, Mott and Lenny brace themselves against each other. When the bombardment temporarily dies down, the two paladins share a determined look.

"Sorry, folks. No more time to talk," Lenny says, leaping into action.

"Duty calls," Mott adds, brandishing his scalchop. "Let's get 'em, Len!"

The two of them race off, already on their newest adventure. 

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