25. Fred || and George

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George Weasley did not celebrate his twenty-first birthday. When his mother sent him an owl inviting him back to The Burrow, all she got back were the words 'I can't blow out the candles alone.' He hadn't celebrated a birthday since.

It took George two years of therapy before he had the strength to re-open Weasley's Wizard Weases. He designed a new line of products for the re-opening. Trigger charms that would temporarily block out your senses when a trigger was detected. No nightmare nougat. Lethargy lollipops, etc. Eventually Ron decided that being an auror was too stressful for him and George offered him a job. It was easier to run with his brother with him.

Life slowly got easier. George's business was booming. His family didn't have to worry about money. Nieces and nephews started cropping up. George reconnected with a girl who had been at hogwarts with him and after 5 years of dating, they got married. George didn't have a best man. It would have been too hard without the one person who he would have chosen. When his wife gave birth to his son, she told him that they were naming him Fred without George even suggesting it, because she knew that's what he would have wanted and she wanted to name him that too.

One day George was sitting at the table explaining to Fred || how fainting fancies worked, when Fred looked up and asked

"Dad, when is your birthday?"

"Oh, in about a week." He replied, looking at the calendar.

"Aren't you going to have a party?"

"No, I don't really do parties"

"Awe, c'mon on, you have to have a party!"

"Okay okay....... I'll have a party if you help me blow out the candles."

A week later, for the first time since George was twenty, Fred and George blew out the birthday candles together.

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