Chapter 19: End Of The Road

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The three had manage to flee far away enough as Orange Heart eventually landed putting the Alexs' back on the ground.

At that moment the only thing on their was one just charge ahead to confront Kurome.

So with that settled on they all ran ahead immediately and began blitzing through the remaining enemies and defenses that were blocking off and guarding the tower.

Eventually they made it to the tower and began the long trek up the tower and the flight of stairs continuing to take down more enemies along their path.

They eventually made it to a middle flat area of the tower that was clearly a trap though not enough time was given to react as in an instant second that they arrived on the floor, enemies completely surrounded them.

They clearly couldn't waste anymore time but they also couldn't blitz through easily.

That led Alex Õ to take lead.

"Uzume! You go on ahead with the other Alex move on ahead. I'll take on these beasts and join up later on!" He shouted as he began to slice his way through the enemies making a path that Alex and Uzume immediately walked past as they continued up the tower.

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Eventually they made it to the very top of the tower and made sure to check around their surroundings to avoid traps or surprise attacks.

Though that plan was immediately shot down when they heard Kurome speak.

"Don't worry you two. My throne room isn't rigged with any traps or hidden enemies. I respect a fair fight after all." She said.

A rift appeared and emerging from the rift was Kurome on a throne obviously as she had a smile before slowly standing up.

"I was hoping all of you would be fighting Arfoire but I should've expected some of you to sneak ahead immediately to see me. Well, regardless it's time we commence this battle. It's clear that whoever prevails here will determine the fate of this world. Don't worry. I won't go all out yet. Wouldn't wanna end it too fast."

Before Kurome could even pull out a weapon, Uzume wasted no time in immediately dashing ahead going for a punch only to have it blocked as she got shoved away.

This gave Kurome time to summon a megaphone.

Alex transmuted a sword and immediately dashed ahead for a slash as Kurome held the microphone up to her mouth.

Alex didn't know what she was gonna with a megaphone was a weapon but Uzume knew very well.

"Alex stop!" Uzume tackled Alex as both got out of the way right as Kurome shouted into the megaphone causing a massive shockwave to be released and crashed into the wall.

"Wait that's actually a weapon!?" Said a shocked Alex as he didn't think a random object like a megaphone could be an actual weapon.

"Of course it is! After all it's my weapon as well!" Replied Uzume as she pulled her own megaphone out.

With them in a small conversation, Kurome let out another shockwave from her megaphone though Uzume reacted quickly as she shouted into her megaphone and let out her own shockwave.

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