Chapter 2 Gathering

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We drove for when seemed like 20 minutes until we finally got to the border of Alpha Meric's territory. There we are met with two men who checked us and asked us why we were here. We told them the truth that we were her to see Alpha Meric they seemed suspicious, but waved us on threw. 

"Apparently Alpha Meric likes to be heavily guarded." Nate said looking out the windows of the truck and seeing all the men on their highest alert.

"I guess so." I said pulling up to what I assumed was the pack house because it was so large compared to the other houses that we had driven by. My would seamed eager for some reason. It think that it was because it was uncharted territory that I had not discovered yet. That or the fact that everyone here seemed so tense. 


Since Luke had told me that Ian and Liam were in enemy territory I had asked Luke to contact all of the packs that we were in league with.

After talking to my pack and asking them to get into their full battle gear I went upstairs to put on my own. There was something going on with me. I would be in full control of the situation, knowing what I had to do and how we were going to do it.

Then I would lose sight of what I had to do. I would feel at peace with myself and happy. I had never not had my eye on the ball. I always knew what i had to do and how to accomplish it, but today it wan't happening. It was as if my wolf was eager then suddenly calm like it knew what was going to happen. 

After I changed I started to make my way down the stairs and outside to where the rest of my packs were awaiting my command. My wolf was eager to go outside, but I felt like getting my brothers back was not on her mind at all at the moment. 


We got out of the truck and Nate and I found our father quickly. Everyone was outside the pack house awaiting something. 

"Whats going on?" Nate asked our father in confusion

"Alpha Meric's little brothers, Liam and Ian have wondered out of Meric's territory. The Coastal Territory has them now and they are not up for any negotiation."

Just as my father finished I saw a girl walk out of the pack house. Everyone who was loud before were now completely quiet. She must be alpha Meric's mate for all of the packs to be showing such respect for her.

She started to talk to a tall blond headed boy next to her. She had a worried look on her face. She was wearing all black. She had leather combat boots on, which had knives sticking out of them. She didn't flinch over the feeling of so many eyes looking at her and the complete silence that filled the air.

She seemed confrontable in what she was doing. She was quite beautiful with long brown hair and soft grey eyes she was a stunner though I would never admit it out load. If Alpha Meric were to find out then he would surely kill me. Alphas were very territorial over their mate. 

The tall blond headed boy she was standing next to hand her some gloves and she hurriedly put them on losing her calm headed composure. When she spoke though. That was when I was most enthralled with her. Her voice was like silk and she was strong, her power raiding off of her as she spoke commanding people to do things and them doing them. There was something special about this girl and i coudn't pin point it.

My wolf was going crazy screaming something at me. I wasn't paying any attention as I turned him out.


All the packs were looking at me awaiting my command. I knew what I had to do and how to do it. Trying to keep my cool as Liam gave me my gloves and I slipped them on. 

"Packs I know with the future Alphas being gone that everyone is questing what is going to happen next. You probably are all wondering what we are going to do and if we fail what will happen to the pack. I am here to tell you that there is no need to worry. We outrank the Coastal Territories by hundreds. The first thing I will need is half of the fighters from each of the packs to help me to fight I will  need the other half to stay and to go to the boarders of the pack regions. If this is a distraction we do not want any enemies coming onto our land."

As I said what i had to say everyone listened and when I paused people started to go into their positions knowing to obey my command. 

"I need women and children in the pack houses." once again they all moved doing what I said. 

"I need half of the medical personal to come with me on this battle we will need all the help that we can get.'

Half of the medical personal went into the pack house. The other half stayed there awaiting my command to leave.

"Where is Aiden?" I asked. Aiden was my 3rd in command and he was the best doctor in all of the packs. 

"He said he could not make it." said one of the nurses in the first row.

Aiden and his mate are about to have their third pup so I knew that is he really could not come it was urgent. Though that did not relive any of my stress. I needed a good medical specialist and so far I came up short. 

"Does anyone have a large rang of a medical background and at least 5 years of experience." i asked raising my voice so even the people in the back could hear me clearly. 

"I do!" I heard a male voice say. I turned my head to see who was speaking. He was quite attractive, yeah that was an understatement. He had tossiled jet black hair and light bule eyes. He had a small amount of scruff on his defined jaw line that looked like it could cut glass. His perfect plump, pink lips where perfectly shaped and had me starting at them for a few moments. 

Then when our eyes met everything changed. My wolf started to yell at me and after a few seconds I realized what she was saying. It was one simple word, one perfectly complacated word. 


Hey guys, hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I took alot of time on this book because I wanted  it to kinda be a filler untill the final moment. I spent like 2 hours on it and it is a total of 1,187 words Let me knwo what you guys think of it because i would love to know. Anyway..





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