All Better?

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"So, feeling all better?" the Doctor asked with a triumphant grin.

"Yes. Completely. I was afraid it might've been something more serious, but my knee seems fine."

"Just some minor inflammation. Nothing to worry about," he said, taking off his latex gloves and washing his hands in the sink.

"Is it possible—" I asked, fearing, as he dashed off the faucet, that my visit was coming to an end, "is it possible that the injury could've been—at least, in part—psychological?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well just that the pain I was feeling was, you my head."

"Strictly speaking, the pain you feel is in your head. But," he said, looking at me with a pitying, unsure glance, "I suppose if amputees can feel pain in missing limbs, there's no reason why you can't imagine some discomfort in your otherwise healthy body."

"Imagine?" I asked.

"Yes. The mind truly has a will of its own..."he said, pondering this for a moment before opening the door of the examination room, kindly gesturing for me to head out.

"But what if—"

"Oh really, young man, you mustn't dwell on these things! Your body is in tip top shape. Worrying will only bring on further discomfort. Please, I must be getting to my other patients."

His eyes were scowling but sympathetic. 

Assenting, I left.

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