Chapter 8

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Each day started to blur together, wake up, talk to Negan, do chores, go out scavenging, clean, take Negan dinner and then go to bed. The routine didn't last long before things went wrong.

I left the house early, said hi to father Gabriel on my way down to the cell and eventually saw what went HORRIBLY wrong.

I stood shocked, in the wide open door way of Negans holding place. He was nowhere to be seen. I sprinted back up the stairs and chased after Gabriel as he walked down the road. 'GABRIEL!' I screamed at the top of my lungs, he turned around frantically, 'what's wrong? Are you alright?' he said worriedly in his soft voice.

'it's Negan. He's gone' I spurted out. A long gasp fell on his face as he looked around trying to figure out what to do next. 'oh dear, I'll send out a search party. We need to try and get him back before Michonne finds out' he sighed, 'it's been days when is Michonne getting back? Something bad could've happened' I gulped, she hadn't been home for a few nights now. And Judith and AJ were relying on me. Aaron, Sadiq and Daryl were all with her.

'don't worry about that now, take Judith and ill meet you by the front gate in 10' he ran off as I rushed back to the house to alert Judith. I bolted inside and grabbed my jacket and gun before rushing up to her room and opening the door, 'Judith we gotta go, Negans out. We gotta go look for him' I announced, she pulled the brush from her hair and turned to me quietly, 'he left this morning. He climbed the fence. He'll be back, there isn't anything out there for him' she wisely said. 'Let's just see if he's ok' I chirped. We left the house and jogged down to the front gate where a sturdy draft waited for us, Gabriel was sat upon a chestnut mare waiting.

I hoisted myself up before interlocking wrists with Judith and lifting her up and infront of me. She adjusted herself as she held onto the horn of the saddle and my wrists while I steered us, 'you ready?' I checked. She nodded as Gabriel smiled and started trotting down the road, I gave a few taps and we soon followed him.

Around four hours later, we stared down a wide road leading around a bend of trees as a distant hum of a motorcycle engine could be heard. I helped Judith down from the horse, she pointed her gun at the road and waited as I leant against the front of the saddle intently waiting. After a minute a motorcycle came into sight and flew around the corner, Judith waited a few seconds before pulling the trigger sending a round flying past his head. He lost the front wheel and slid from it and into the bank beside the concrete, a few groans could be heard as he righted himself up and checked to see if anything was broken, 'you said you'd shoot kid. But damn' he said with an impressed grin. They shared a brief conversation before he looked up and smiled at me, 'Maddie darlin' how you been?' he joked. I replied with a sarcastic smile, 'get on your bike we're taking you home' I commanded.

'you were right Judith, there ain't nothing out there for me' he sunk his head before handing her a compass from around his neck. She took it before pacing back to the side of the horse, I reached my arm down and helped her up. He smiled, 'you two make a good team' he mocked, 'you know, we'd all make a pretty good team' Judith said from infront of me, she looked behind us as we turned. He pushed his bike up along side us as we started walking back.

It wasn't long before Michonne returned and headed straight to the church and announced a council meeting. They all marched in and stayed for a while. I waited outside. Suddenly, Michonne charged out and looked dead ahead to the basement. I scurried from the floor and followed after her, 'Michonne! Whats going on!' I yelled after her. She ignored me and climbed down into the basement.

I sighed and snuck next to the window, sat with my back against the wall I heard them talking, 'welcome home' Negan grumbled. I heard a deep sigh which could have only come from Michonne as he spoke up again, 'I'm surprised it took so long' 'I want answers. And I'm told you'll only give them to tell me. Why the hell did you come back cuz I know for damn sure it wasn't for nothing' she snapped. He replied fast, 'well in fairness to Gabe it wasn't all his fault I got out. You can't keep a big dog locked up forever. Sooner or later he's gotta run'

'yeh. But you ran back, so what kind of dog does that make you?' she challenged.

'I'm glad you asked' the bed creaked as he stood up and took a couple of steps forward, 'you know I was in your home?' I gasped, what if he'd have been in my room, oh fuck. 'I coulda waited there and bashed your head in when you walked through the door. Hell I coulda bashed in a whole lot of heads coulda done that to poor Maddie while she slept peacefully' he smirked, 'but I didn't' he felt proud of himself.

'because you knew you'd be a dead man if you tried. You're an asshole not an I think you decided to take your shot out there and out there spit you out so you dragged your pathetic ass right back here' she guessed before adding a breathy heckle on the end, 'that's it isn't it?' she mocked.

'well you're right the world has changed, but thing is I've changed too' 'what do you want?' she retaliated. 'if you're not gonna kill me... Then maybe you could learn to trust me a little bit' he said sternly. He was serious but she laughed as if it'd never happen, 'wow. You choose self preservation over revenge and you think that earns you my trust? Wow. If spouting fresh bullshit counts as change, congratulations Negan you are a new man' she nastily joked.

'you're keeping me in here to remind everybody how merciful the great Rick Grimes was. But I am telling you I can be so much more than that. I can help you'

'I don't need anything you're selling'
'you have a really good thing going on for you here but it is slipping through your fingers. And it is only a matter of time before you lose control of it completely-' he reasoned, 'where are you getting this?'

'my windows to the world are right outside your meeting room. I'm not deaf I hear things' he stated, 'well you heard wrong' she hissed back. I looked from the window to the meeting room, it really wasn't far.

'look, all I'm saying is I know a thing or two about keeping people in line. I could be a sounding board for you. Leader to...former leader' he negotiated, 'I'm not the leader here'

'oh come on. Now I heard you wrote up some constitution that supposedly gives power to the people. And yet you've got it so you're the one that makes all the decisions...shit... That's one hell of a racket I wish-' he proclaimed, 'its not a racket. And you don't know shit about what goes on here' she snapped furiously, 'I know that a good leader uses everything to their advantage' he whispered, 'sorry Negan if this is why you came back you should've stayed out there' I heard footsteps as she turned to leave, 'Michonne' he interrupted, 'Listen. I'm not finished. Now we will be tying you up while we fortifie that lock. And I want those windows closed' she stopped as Judith scuttled past me she'd been sat the other side of the window Michonne had seen her...

Oooooo Negans in deep deep doodoo.
Michonne bein a big angry bb.
Sometimes Michonne over-reacts but I get its well founded.

Anyway hope ur having a nice day/night depending if u stay up til 2am reading like I do.... :)
Ly all ;*

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