👻〖 Help Me 〗👻

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Chapter 04

Namjoon's POV

It's not long before the same brown-skinned woman returns from the nursing home. She doesn't notice me, I don't want her to see me right now. I follow her as she makes it toward a black sedan parked in front of the building.

She greets the driver and shows him the screen of her phone before getting into the back seat. I get in behind her before she closes the door.

The drive takes about 20 minutes and we arrive at her apartment. I take the time to observe her. I never thought that the first person who could see me would be this young or attractive. I thought that I would have to consult a physic or fortune teller or witch of some kind.

She was just so....normal. She could be the one to help me fins my eternity.

When she arrives there, she pushes through my body to get out of the car, making my organs tingle and shiver as if I was cold and hot at the same time. I shake the feeling off and walk through the car door after she closes it behind her. She wraps her arms around herself, as goosebumps start to raises on her forearms, she felt it too.

She takes the driver and pays him. He pulls off by the time I make my seen in front of her.

"Holy Shit!" She shouts

"Hello, again," I greet, she composes herself and cocks her hip.

"What did I tell you earlier? I'm not helping you. Please leave me alone."

"No pressure, I can see how this is a lot for you, seeing ghosts and all," I say, as a follow her to her front door, "Anything you can do will help, I can't stay like this forever! Please!"

She stops with her key in the door, and turns to me, "Fine, I'll try. But, if it doesn't work, you have to leave me alone. Deal?"

"Really? Deal!" I say, reaching for her out reached for hand to shake it. My hand goes through her, she freezes at the touch, and shivers.

"I'll be back in the morning, Y/N!" I say, turning and walking down her walkway before disappearing from view again in a shimmer of green fog.

He was gone. Y/N closes her open mouth, shakes her head, turns back to her door, and unlocks it.


Namjoon's back the following day like he said he would be. In my bedroom. Sitting on the end of my bed trying to pick up my cat. But failing each time, as his hands pass straight through the cat's body, making the cat hiss and spit, while looking directly at Namjoon, who was taken aback by the direct eye contact. Upon hearing me shift on my bed, he turns, a big dimpled smile on his face.

"He can see me too!" He smiles at me before trying to pick up the cat again. Expect this time he manages to lift my cat a foot off the ground before the cat falls through Namjoon's hand.

He turns excitedly towards me, "Did you see that?"

"I didn't know you could do that."

"I can't! That was the first time, I ever did it,"

"How did you do it, then?"

"I really wanted to pick up the cat, and I was happy that it could see me too, I guess."

"Maybe that's it, your emotions." I offer.

"That could be it. I'm new to this ghost thing, so it's possible that the longer I'm like this the more powerful I get."

At the mention of that, I ask, "How long have you been dead?" I ask, leaving my bedroom, and going to my kitchen,

"I don't really know, time is weird after you die. I would guess a week?"

"Do you happen to know if you've had your funeral yet? Wow, that's so weird to say out loud,"

He chuckles at me, " I don't think so,"

"Okay then, the first order of business is finding out when your funeral is. And maybe while we're doing that we could work on why you're still stuck here on earth," I suggest pulling open my laptop on my desk. Opening up the local newspaper and searching the obituary section.

Namjoon follows me, hovering over my shoulder, peering at the screen, "Let's do it!"

"Kim Namjoon," I mumble, scrolling down the page, "Found it! I found your funeral information!"

I skim the screen and read the parts that stand out, "Okay, so, Kim Namjoon, 1994-2022, Funeral information: 3:00-5:00 PM at Sunny Acres Cemetery, survived by fiancee, Daniella Sanchez, wait you have fiancee,"

"Yeah, I think I do, my memory is weird, but that name sounds familiar,"

"You idiot, She could be your unfinished business, You have to say good bye to her,"


A/N: I don't know, what I'm doing right now

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A/N: I don't know, what I'm doing right now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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