✒ Ideal Life

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After finishing his last class for the day, the 29 years old professor took his things, rode his car and went to the restaurant where he will be meeting his three friends from university, they planned to meet for dinner after losing touch for quite some time since each of them were busy with work.

Once he arrived he found that he is the first and reserved a table for four in a good spot, a little isolated where they can be loud, not long after, the three arrived one by one

"Mew! My friend! You are as handsome as always"

"and you are as flirty as always Chai!"

"he will never change"

"it can't be helped Gan, I will keep flirting until I find the fated one"

"you've been saying that since middle school brother, if I were you I would have given up by now"

"I was young and stupid back then Aran and didn't even flirt well but now I'm an adult and better looking so it will be easier to get any lover any time I want"

"how come you never introduced us one then?" Mew asked giggling making his friend freeze for moment then was looking away rubbing the back of his head

"I'm still searching" the three laughed making him a little embarrassed but he laughed along eventually.

Mew became good friends with them since he started university, Chai and Aran are childhood friends and Gan joined them during second year of high school and Mew joined them through photography club, going to many places in group of four to take pictures helped them a lot to be great friends and Mew, with his high communication skills made easier.

Mew, our protagonist is a professor at Chulalongkorn university, he started working right after obtaining his doctorate degree last year, he owns a three rooms condo 20 min away from his university by car, he is having a simple life, working all day then going back home to rest or hang out with his friends like today.

This is the professor's ideal life but his parents keeps messing it up by calling him almost every day, while eating he noticed his phone vibrating so he checked to find that it was his mother messaging him about the same thing

This is the professor's ideal life but his parents keeps messing it up by calling him almost every day, while eating he noticed his phone vibrating so he checked to find that it was his mother messaging him about the same thing

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