✒ Training

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Gulf's POV


The next day, during lunch break, I called my friend Earth and told him about having a boyfriend and that I moved to live with him, as expected, Earth got angry and so upset that I hid all that from him while I was feeling guilty lying to my close friend, yet he was supportive and happy by the end

"... well since we both are dating, how about meeting somewhere all 5 of us?" he said with little excitement

"I don't know..." I was worried, if we actually meet maybe he will be able to tell that we are fake since we are not that close we only held hands once

"ow, come on! What about Saturday by noon for lunch or do you have work?"

"no ,my shift start at 3 pm but..."

"no buts! Kiet doesn't work on Saturdays, neither I am, make sure to ask your lover and send me a message later, we didn't meet for weeks and you couldn't even visit me because of your studies and part-time so make sure to convince your lover to meet up alright?"

"Earth please can we-"

"no! I will take no excuses, oh my boss is calling me, I'll wait for your message!" before letting me utter any word he hang up, I let out a long worried sigh then i roughly rubbed my hair with both of his hands that became so messy

"problems keeps raining on me one after another! UGH!" I said half yelled, luckily no one was around, how am I supposed to tell Mew about this? How are we going to act all lovey-dovey in front of a real couple?! Should I just send him a message that Mew is busy? Yes, that's the best sol-

"what's wrong with you?" I jumped in my place looking up

"P'-P' Me- Professor Mew" I looked around nervously

"relax, no one is around, I saw you coming to this excluded area a few minutes ago , do you always come here?" he asked looking down to me, I relaxed

"yes, I like eating in peace"

"I see, why you looked so frustrated a while ago?" he asked looking so curious, I looked around hesitant whether I should tell him or not

"I just told Earth"

"and?" I probably should

"he invited us for lunch this Saturday, we will meet him and his lover and daughter and he wants to meet you" I said not daring to look up, there was silence for a minute that made me scared, I could feel cold sweat running down my face waiting for any kind of response but there was none, I slowly looked up to find him staring at me with shocked yet understanding look

"I-I'm sorry, I couldn't refuse him, I will send him a message and tell him that you are busy"

"it's fine, let's meet with him" I quickly stood up facing him being so stunned

"what? Are you sure?!"

"why not? I also invited my friend Boat to visit us too"

"but it's different, Earth is dating and I'm sure he will see right through us being fake as well as his lover, Kiet" I explained

"then we should train a little to make our act believable, like I said before, everyone must believe that we are really dating except for those from university so even though I'm shocked by this sudden invitation but I don't mind and I'm free on Saturday, I only have a morning meeting" he is right, that was our deal, if we train in advance we may do it

"alright, if you say so, I will send him a message now"

"oh ask him to choose a place far from here, we can't risk meeting anyone from university"

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