✒ Perfect Plan

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"mom, dad let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend and he will be living with me from now on" The professor said watching the stars in his parents' eyes

Mew has finally found a boyfriend and invited him live with him just this afternoon; he finally found the perfect plan that will lead to his ideal life, to stop his parents nagging and his best friend's emails of job offers, he didn't met him at a blind date nor at university neither introduced by his friend.

It happened by noon, the brown haired man was on his way to the mall after parking his car close by, he need to buy everything today since tomorrow is his paradise day, he was walking listening to music when he noticed some people running across from him that made him turn his head to find a small pond of people surrounding something, since human are curious by nature, he slowly walked closely.

There he saw a tall boy injured sitting down, near him was two suitcases and a box and he was wearing a backpack, a crying girl and a women who was also crying holding the kid and thanking the tall boy who was nodding holding his left hand that was bleeding.

"what happened?" Mew asked a man close by

"that little girl ran into the street to catch a flying paper but a car came running toward her, she almost got hit but that boy jumped and saved her in the nick of time" the man explained

"thank you so much, please let me take you to the hospital" the messy haired boy slowly stood up

"no, I'm fine, it's just a scratch" he said hiding his hand behind him then he started taking his things

"thank you" the women kept nodding thanking and apologizing, people started to scatter, but Mew followed the boy with his eyes who made his way to the close park and sat there, leaning back, then he started walking toward the mall again but not being able to shake off the feelings that the boy is familiar.

One hour later, on his way back, he unconsciously looked to the park to be surprised that the boy is still there, he noticed that he was holding his left hand and looked in pain, Mew sighed, put everything in his car and walked toward him, the kind professor can't ignore anyone who needs help and now that tall familiar young boy seems like you could use some right now.

"you should have accepted that women offer to take you to the hospital" he said earning the full attention of the boy who flinched, he blinked a couple of times

"who are you?" he asked hiding his hand slowly

"I'm someone who wants to help"

"thanks for offering but no need" he quickly declined looking to some papers that offer rooms or apartments for rent

"are you looking for a place to move to?" Mew asked noticing the papers, the tall boy sighed

"look, I don't want to be mean but I already have enough problems now so I don't have time to deal with you just leave me alone" the elder went silent as his mind finally remembered where he saw the familiar student

"you work at xxx restaurant right?" the surprised boy looked up to him

"have we met there?"

"not exactly, I've always went there and lately I met my friends for dinner there and the owner told us about you, a master degree student" the boy smiled painfully and sadly

"master degree student... it seem I'm going to lose that title" he murmured but Mew heard him

"why? Did you get in some troubles at the university?"

"I wish it was the case but no, I have nothing that can help me keep studying"

"I'm a good listener, you will feel better if you get it all out" the older walked and sat beside him

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