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 He felt bad for Gabriel. The bunny sighed, rusty and soft. They all did. He had to do the most work of all of them, and was constantly taunted by the sight of his mother.

The rabbit was kind and understanding, with a soft heart.

He knew they wouldn't be getting out, it was obvious. He ran his metal claws through his mahogany fur, pulling clumps of it out and picking at the wires inside. After all, what was the point?

The fox was smart and cunning, although he was falling apart.

She watched the rest of them from the sage, wishing she could help them. It hurt to know that none of them could do anything for one another.

The bird was generous and helpful, but a smile never seemed to cross her beak.

She was the one behind all this, trying her best to keep up with the monster man's crimes, but she was running out of time to save them.

The puppet was the leader of the group, caring only for the others and carrying them along.

Rage bubbled inside her metal frame, a constant searing anger chasing the others away. She didn't want to be alone. She didn't want them to leave her alone.

The golden shadow was an angry spirit, keeping the rest of them at bay.

Glass Eyes (FNaF AU)Where stories live. Discover now