Seratonin Drop .02

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CHAPTER TWO - Seratonin Drop

Slow and steady wins the race. Sneaking out of a woman's house you have no intentions of being with after you've fucked her is an obstacle. Aizawa sees the light at the end of the tunnel when Kayama turns over and off of his chest in the depths of her sleep. He peels himself off her comforter and makes his way out of her bedroom without a sound.

He takes the long way home to ponder, that way it doesn't keep him from getting sleep. Countless nights of laying awake and losing hours because of a racing mind isn't good for the soul. Or mental health. It's just not good.

There's a mental checklist he runs through—
The night out with Mic this Saturday, not looking forward to a crowd.
The probability that he will go home with Kayama again is high, just another body to bury himself into.
Catching his student smoking and feeling too awkward to advise her not to do it because he himself does it too. It's hypocritical. He hopes someone else will catch her within the 24 hour window before he has to pull her aside after class tomorrow. That way they can spare him the burden of giving her the lung cancer rundown.

Aizawa opens the door to his mundane apartment. Black and white, not too hard on his incredibly dry eyes. The moment his foot makes it into his apartment, the expected wave of depression washes over him. It's almost a relief. Had it not come, he wouldn't have been able to throw himself into bed first thing and hide his worries away under the covers.

Blindly, he reaches into his bedside table and pulls out a pill bottle. Three measly pills roll into the palm of his hand. He throws it back and swallows them dry in hopes of them doing their job and sending him straight into a somewhat slumber where he's hopefully unconscious.

His phone lights up and like magic his serotonin rises. A notification? Perhaps a text message? From who? He peeks with one eye open, the blue light stings and the words "You forgot to lock the door, asshole" burns into his retna.

The text is labeled, "Kayama." And he experiences his typical serotonin drop all over again.

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