Take Me Home .05

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Talking to Monoma was nice. Despite his fuck-boy exterior, he was pretty intelegent. Smart student with quite the number of volunteer hours behind him, and was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Maybe if you play your cards right you'll find yourself sipping endless martinis, and lounging out next to a mile long pool shielded by imported evergreen trees in your forties with a platinum blond husband on your arm, willing to fulfill your every whim. You can see your future before you just by staring up at your ceiling.

These past few nights have been spent lying on your bed, phone in hand. Texting and tapping straight through to Monoma on the other side.

You like the dynamic– popular boy with basket case girl. Like a coming of age movie.

"I wanna take you out."

"On a date?"

"On a date ;)"

"Don't see why not."

He has you smiling so hard it hurts. It's even better because the relationship is everything your mother wants for you. Her reaction is pre planned out in your mind when you tell her about a boy your age who has actual achievable goals that aren't becoming a famous drummer in a doom metal band. It's a dream come true for everyone.

"I'd appreciate it if you kept this between us though."

"Just for now, of course."

"Sure thing."

The first school day of the week just ended when you haphazardly began to tear through your bag in front of the entrance doors. Cigarettes. Where are the cigarettes? The itch has become too strong to bear. Your lungs are crying out and need to be fed. Your mind has been so consumed with Monoma you forgot to eat breakfast every morning this past weekend.

It's pouring down again, same as last week. Kirishima has you waiting on the promise that you'll walk home together, but far he's a no-show. The door clicks open behind you.

"Since when have kids your age started smoking? I thought that stopped in the 90s."

You stop immediately, looking over your shoulder. It's Mr. Aizawa. "I don't smoke." You resume digging, "You just happened to catch me the one time I decided too."

He watches for a few more seconds. It's not long until you enter another coughing fit.

"Shit." You mumble between coughs.

"You smoked once and you've already developed a smoker's cough?" He sucks his teeth and you withhold the urge to roll your eyes. "I hope nobody lets you drink. You'll get a gut before your third."

"Oh, fuck off." You laugh. A genuine laugh. It distracts you from the itching in your lungs, "You're not funny."

Aizawa's eyes widen and narrow again. "Who are you waiting for? Your brother?"

"Yeah." You throw your bag over your shoulder and stand, "he's pussed out on me again."

"Brothers'll do that to you." Aizawa examines you with one up and down glance, he taps his foot on the ground. "You need a ride?"

You return the glance, "Yeah. You gonna take me down to the bus stop?"

"I was thinking of taking you straight home, but if that's what you prefer." Aizawa says.

"No, no. Take me home."

"My car is just down there."

The ride home is quiet. The radio plays "Always Forever" and you turn it up.

"I love this song." You say and he looks at you through the windshield mirror.

He pulls up beside your driveway and puts the car in park. You grab your bag by the handle and shut the door, "Thanks again, Mr. Aizawa. I really appreciate it."

He says your name before you can walk off, "Don't let me catch you smoking again." His tone is anything but light.

You nod and walk up the driveway, shutting the front door behind you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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