Miso Soup .04

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Kirishima wanted to make his unexcused absence up to you. It took begging and pleading to get you to drop binge watching TV and join him at his favorite ramen shop for lunch. He thought treating you to good food would be the perfect gestured-apology.

It's a small mom-and-pop shop that's empty with no more than two employees on stand. You slide into the cracked booth in the back beside a window, and Kirishima drums on the table awkwardly to try and lessen the tension.

"So." He says.


A beat of silence.

He grins and looks off to the side, "Well. I just wanted to apologize–"

An old waitress appears and places menus on the table. You both mouth a thanks and skim the options.

More silence.

"Oh boy, the sweet noodles look good. Think I might get that."

He's nervous so you make it a point to heighten the lilt in your voice, "Yeah, totally. Looks delicious." Eyes examining the calories listed under each food item. "I think I'm gonna go with the miso soup though. Keep it light for training tomorrow."

"And you have my full support on that. Mr. Aizawa is one tough son of a bitch. Miso soup it is."

"Okay, stop."

"What? Stop what?"

"The ass kissing. It's weird. Put a cap on it. I'm your sister, not your superior."

"Woah. Ass kissing? I'm just trying to be polite. I feel... bad for ditching yesterday. I wouldn't consider it ass kissing."

"Well, it's making me uncomfortable. Let's forget about it. It's not a big deal."

"Alright. Alright." He sighs, "So you don't mind if I get the sweet noodles."

"No, I don't mind. Help yourself to whatever."

The doorbell rings and you turn to see who's walked in. A blonde haired boy who almost has to duck just to get under walks in by himself. His face is something out of a magazine. Smooth even skin, round blue eyes, and a sharp nose.

Neito Monoma.

"You like what you see?" Kirishima wiggles his brows.

"No." You grunt, "I didn't even get a good look at his face."

"I think he's in our class."

You throw your hands up and close the menu, "Wouldn't know."

Out of the corner of your eye, Monoma comes up. He clears his throat and sticks his hand out, leaning forward as if he were bowing. "Hello."

You hesitated but took his hand, "Hi."

"What are you two doing here? On a date?"

"Oh god, no. He's my brother." You shift in your seat, "And we were just leaving."

Kirishima's eyes flicker back and forth between you both. "Oh, we were?"

"That's a shame." Monoma smirks, "Leaving before I can get your number I see."

Your hand flies to tuck hair behind your ear. He's flattered you. Fuck. His unwavering confidence is annoying and something you'd gag at if witnessed in a movie. But here, in real life, it's different. Nobodies ever been so bold with you, sober, and it's been a minute since you've had a hook up. What could it hurt?

"Do you... want it?"

You give him your number and leave with Kirishima. The whole walk home he teases you and pokes your side. "Somebody's gonna get laaiiiiiddd."

"And it's not you."

"Oh, fuck off. I get laid. I get pussy like a mad man."

You cackle and it's obnoxious. Obnoxious enough to wipe the smile off Kirishima's face. "I've seen your search history, dude. You get no pussy!"

You found a series of odd search ups when your computer died and you had to substitute it for Kirishima's.

'how to ask a girl on a date'

'how to flatter a girl'

'how to flirt cute girl'

'howto buy xondoms without getting caught"

"Shit. I think I might get more pussy than you do."

"Drop it."

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