Chapter one

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"I've been reading Common Sense by Thomas Pain." Hamilton. Kaya loved this musical. Her favorite character was Aaron Burr. Or Peggy. She brought her friends over for the day. "So which song do you like most, K?" Ruby, one of Kaya's best friends, asked. "I personally like Your Obedient Servant." Raven, her other best friend, snickered. "Only because Aaron Burr is in it." Ruby and Raven both made kissy faces at her. "Hey! Just because Aaron Burr, sir is my favorite character doesn't mean I like him!" Raven burst out laughing. "Sure! And I'm not in Ravenclaw." All three of the girls loved Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Hamilton. Raven and Kaya met on a writing app called Wattpad, then they ran into each other at Barns and Noble (Raven, if your reading this XD). Ruby was a neighborhood friend that Kaya met in elementary school. "WORK!" The three of them all shouted. They called them selfs the modern Schuyler Sisters. Kaya was Angelica, Ruby was Eliza, and Raven was- "AND PEGGY!" A suddenly crazy Raven cried out. "WOOOOOOOORKKKKK!" Kaya and Ruby both shushed her. "Gods, will you be quiet girl!" "Hey, for your information, never." They all laughed. "OOOOOOO! HERE YE HERE YE, MEH NAME IS SAMULE SEABURY!!!!!!! AWW, HE MEH BAY!" Kaya and Raven looked at Ruby in concern. "Rùbs, you alright?" She blushed. "I'm never alright." 

The group of three went downstairs to grab some snacks to watch Hamilton, cause' it was out on Disney plus. Kaya started to hum My Shot. They went back up the stairs in an instant.

"How does a bastered, orphan, son of a wh-" "DON'T SAY THAT KAYA!" Ruby screeched. "Say's the girl who doesn't have Wattpad." "Don't you dare use that against me. My mother doesn't allow me to have it." "Yet my parents don't allow me to have Wattpad but I'm still on it," replied Raven. 

They herd a knock on the door. "Kaya, are you still into Hamilton?" Avery, Kaya's brother asked as he walked in. "Yep," Kaya, Raven, and Ruby said at the same time. He groaned. "That is the most crappiest musical of all time." All three of them gasp. "HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!" They all screeched. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE ANY MORE! I will never be Satisfied." Avery angrily slammed the door mumbling some curse words under his breath. "That was awesoooome!" Raven exclaimed. "I know, right?" Replied Ruby. Kaya burst out laughing. "You guys are the best."

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