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Violet's POV

He pressed his rough, dry lips on mine, and I instantly tasted cigarettes and bad breath. "Come on, Violet" he rasped as he tugged on my flannel. I couldn't even respond because he was holding my mouth with his huge hands. Then, he pulled away from my uncooperative lips to stare at my topless body. That gave me enough time head butt him in the chin, knee him in the balls, and slam him to the floor. He screamed in pain and anger but I continued to beat him. How dare he attempt to rape me? "SECURITY!" He finally yelped.

I couldn't stop kicking him in the gut while he lied on the floor bleeding but am too possessed by anger to realize that he pressed an emergency button he had on him. A few moments later three guards stomped in and lifted me up to pull me off him. "HE TRIED TO RAPE ME! I'M NOT THE CRIMINAL! HE IS!!" I yelled out with hot tears rolling down each cheek. Instead of hearing me out or noticing the obvious, they took me to the police station, conveniently across the street.

Now, I'm waiting outside a courtroom to testify against that psychopath who was my therapist. He is about forty years old, divorced, and a huge creep. My father forced me to see the quack when he found I cut, which started after I lost the most important person, my mother. After the first month, he would jokingly flirt with me but I just brushed it off. Eventually, he starting talking sexual to me, which really creeped me out, and one day he told me how he is in bed. Since that really grossed me out, I told my father I didn't need to see him but that asshole insisted I wasn't fully healed. The next week he touched me on my shoulder and soon enough progressed to my thighs. That was the day before he attempted to rape me.

I told my dad and the police but neither of them believed a highly respected therapist would rape anyone let alone a nineteen-year-old 'schizophrenic' girl. Yeah, he actually diagnosed me with schizophrenia; what a douche.

"Harmon" The bailiff calls and I scurry to enter the courtroom. As soon as I push the thick wooden doors open I am faced with him. He sits in his expensive suit with his famous lawyer. Meanwhile mine is My is a lazy, court appointed one since I'm broke and my father doesn't believe me. Kevin, the therapist, actually had the nerve to sue me for assault so I counter sued for attempted rape.

After three agonizing hours the judge comes to a decision. "We find Violet Harmon guilty of assault. Kevin McDouger innocent of attempted rape. Violet, you will have two options since this is your first criminal offense. Mandatory therapy with someone appointed by myself or thirty weeks of community service. The therapy will be four times a week until further notice."

I silently groan and weigh my options. Thirty weeks is half a year and it would be a lot of physical work. But therapy again? What if this guy is just as bad or worse than Kevin. After a few seconds of debating I finally decide my choice. I take a deep breath and utter the words that could make me happy or not alter me at all. "I will take the therapy."

I stare at the wall to avoid eye contact with the judge and my ex therapist. I hear a cheerful voice exclaim, "Okay, we will call you tomorrow with the information." After gathering all my belongings I drag my tired body out of the court house and to my car. Then I drive to a desserted parking lot and change into shorts and an Issues band tee. When my father found out about the incident he kicked me out because I embarrassed him and let him down as usual. I'm too poor to afford a place to live so I reside in my car. Luckily, I bought a brand new Honda SUV with the life insurance money I got from my mothers death, so my car should last while.

~Two days later~

I arrive at a lavish looking place and guess this company has money. While taking in the decoration, I walk up to the receptionist to check-in but she gives me a snide look. I roll my eyes being fed up with all the judging from people who don't know me. "I'm looking for Dr. Langdon."

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