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I was in my room finalising plans for an open house at the new Bright Future STEM Academy.

"Wow working on thanksgiving I don't even know you anymore." Fallon teased.

"I know." I said answering emails.

"So is little Culhane coming over for thanksgiving?" Fallon asked.

"Nope. He's spending it with his mom and sister." I said.

"Do you think they'd come over like all of them?" Fallon asked.

"Doubt it. They blame our family for James Culhane's death." I said.

"Come with me and Michael to persuade Louella to come." Fallon said.

"I love you and Michael but not enough to die for you by your future-in-law so I'm gonna pass." I said.

"Ugh fine." Fallon said. Austin walked in.

"Little Culhane, what's the chance of your mother coming to Thanksgiving here?" Fallon asked.

"Not likely. And what's this new nickname thing you and Michael have with us two?" Austin asked.

"I have no clue but your brother keeps calling me kiddo." I said.

"Bye." Fallon said walking out.

"Is she acting weird to you too?" I asked.

"She's trying to shmooze my mom but my mom doesn't know they're engaged." Austin said kissing me.

"Gabbie, can I have your Netflix password Fallon keeps changing her's?" Sam asked walking in.

"I use Fallon's but I know what she changed her password to." I said. Sam dragged me to his room and handed me the remote. I entered the password and it accepted it.

"What is it?" Sam asked.

"Payforyourownnetflix." I said walking back to my room.


Sam and I walked downstairs and sat either side of Fallon who was playing piano.

"Hey." Sam said. "How are you two doing with all the rain Steven told me about your weather-phobia?"

"As long as it's just rain we're fine." I said.

"What's up with the sigh?" Fallon asked.

"I asked Kirby to carry our future baby and—" Sam got cut off.

"Carry as in have it or carry as in hold it? Either way it's insane." Fallon said.

"That's basically what Anders said. Should I back? I should back out right? But I can't because she kinda terrifies me." Sam said.

"She should she's nuts. And do you really want your kid inheriting those crazy jeans? I would shut it down now." Fallon said as lightning struck. We both reached into our pockets and pulled out a pill taking it. "Trust me the longer you let a problem simmer the easier it is to get burned."

"And are those pills to help with the storm scares or there something else on your mind?" Sam asked Fallon.

"What?" Fallon asked. "No. Why?"

"Well we both saw that kiss with Liam at the divorce party and from where we stood it looked more like hello than a goodbye." Sam said.

"Well yes that kiss with Liam was confusing but I'm with Culhane and so not thinking about Liam. So let's not even bring up the L word. Okay? What I'm more concerned about is Culhane's mother hating me. I mean how are he and I supposed to start a family if his family doesn't want me around?" Fallon asked.

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