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Are you ever soooooooo mad that you just AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Like you dont even know what to do with yourself, and you don't know how to handle it? And there's no good way to dispose of your anger so you jut hold it in and end up getting even madder?

I think that being mad is an emotion that is supposed to help us recognize what we have.  Its supposed to make us more gracious. 

I don't know, just a thought.

When I get most mad is when people hurt my friends and family. Emotionally or physically.  I want so badly to protect them cuz I love them so much and people hurting them makes me wanna rage.  But of course I can't cuz there would be no point and I would never win anything.  But the madness bubbles inside me.  Whenever you see me annoyed, its cuz I'm mad and can't do anything about it. 



This is totally random, I was just feeling this way after a soccer game sooooooo..........yeah. 

Randomness and sorry its short :)


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