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Cuz, idk I cry a lot.
Jk no that much,
But when I do it is a lot.

Have you ever started crying and then you can't stop and you just cry about every single tiny thing that you can think of to cry about?

It's not fun.

I think that crying is a good thing and is a good way to express emotions. Emotions need to be felt. You can't bury them inside of you forever. Even if you're crying to yourself when you're home alone, it makes a difference.
*******Ex: Isaac in TFIOS. He totally breaks all of Gus's trophies and Gus is like dude pain demands to be felt.********
Sorry that was random.


So uhhh yeah, I kinda cry a lot cuz when I do I can't stop.

I would not suggest crying yourself to sleep, you'll wake up with a massive headache. Trust me its not fun!!!

I usually cry in the shower cuz then you can scrub your face and you don't have tear stains. Its great :)

Do you ever feel like you need to cry but you just can't? Like if you cried you would be able to release unwanted emotions and let stuff go but then your body's like haha to bad for you!! I'm not letting you cry, deal with it!!

I hate that feeling! I srsly felt the need to cry for like a week but I still couldn't and then at church during young women's I started crying and was like, "sorry guys I'm fine really this is normal there is not something wrong with me" and inside I was dying like "REALLY OF ALL TIMES I HAD TO CRY NOW?!?!? WHAT THE FETCH?????" Ya it was supes embarrassing and I didn't even know what to do so I just hid it the best I could. But I know that some people noticed. Not many said anything tho. I can't decide if that's good or bad. Maybe they just knew that I needed a minute. I eventually stopped, and it was all ok. Then that same night when I was praying before going to bed I started crying again and instead of getting in bed I layed on my floor and cried for a solid thirty minutes. I don't even know what I was crying about. I just was.

Ok enough about my crazy girl emotions!! Ahh I'm so weird!!!!!!! Sorry guys I probs freak you out.

But ya, crying cuz why not?

I feel like I just blubbered on for a long time.

That's cuz I did.

I'm truly deeply sorry from the bottom of my heart.

But not really.

Maybe the top of my heart.


Ok I'm done sorry

Sorry you have to deal with my insanity

I need help


Ok I really am done


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