Chapter 1

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Today is Felix's first day at his new school. Because his mom had found a new job and so they had to move once again. Felix hates moving to new schools because then he has to leave his friends behind and make new friends.

Felix doesn't like to be at the center of attention and it is also hard for him to make new friends. But as he walks through the doors of his new school he sees a lot of kids looking at him. He feels shy and pulls his hoodie over his head trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

As he is walking to find the counselors office he bumps into a boy. "I-I'm so s-sorry" Felix says while bowing. "Hey,it's okay I wasn't looking" the boy said while looking at Felix. "Yeah, it's fine he wasn't looking because I accidentally pushed him and he stumbled and hit you" another boy said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey, are you new here" the boy said. "Um,y-yes I am" Felix said while looking up. When he looked up he saw two boys. One of them was a little shorter than the one beside him. The taller one has a mole under his left eye which Felix would admit was cute. The other one looked really familiar to Felix like he has met him before.

But they cut him from his thoughts. "Oh,sorry for not introducing ourselves, I'm Jisung" the boy that looked familiar said. "And I'm Hyunjin" the tall boy said. "Hi, I'm Felix" Felix said while smiling at the two who were in front of him. "Wait, do I know you from somewhere" the boy named Jisung said. "I don't know, I was also thinking the same thing" Felix said while thinking.

"Wait, are you Minho's cousin" Jisung said also with a thinking face. "Yes, I am" Felix said with a confused look on his face. Felix was thinking how does Jisung know Minho then a memory came to view in his head in the memory he noticed that Minho was introducing him to a boy that looked just like Jisung. In the memory Minho told Felix he wanted to introduce him to his boyfriend and that's when a boy walked in and stands next to Minho. "Hi,I'm Han Jisung" the boy said introducing himself. "Hi, I'm Lee Felix also known as Minho's cousin" felix said with a smile.

When he was back into reality the realization hit him. "Wait, are you Minho's boyfriend" Felix asked unsure if he was right. "Yes, I am" Jisung said while smiling by the mention of his boyfriend's name. Then that's when Felix went to hug Jisung leaving Hyunjin confused by the whole thing that just happened.

Jisung at first didn't return the hug but then soften and hugged Felix back. "Finally I know two people at this school" Felix said while breaking the hug. "I'm glad to have you in this school Felix" Jisung said with a smile.

Hyunjin was so confused about the whole situation. "Hey um...not to ruin the mood but do you guys know each other" Hyunjin asked while being confused. "Minho wanted to introduce me to his aunt and cousin in Australia and we went there, first he introduced me to his aunt then his cousin which is Felix and that's how we know each other the end" Jisung said while smiling at Hyunjin.

"Oh, wAIT YOUR MINHO'S LITTLE COUSIN" Hyunjin said practically yelling. "Um...yes I am" Felix said while being a bit shy. "Dang he didn't tell me that he is this adorable"Hyunjin said while being surprised. "Um...thanks" Felix said while blushing. " y'all know where the counselors office is" Felix said while fidgeting with the rim of his jacket. "Yea, we will show you" Jisung said while grabbing Felix's small hand. "Thank you" Felix said while following Jisung.

As they were walking through the halls they finally made it to the counselors office. Felix said thanks to Hyunjin and Jisung as he went inside the counselors office. Jisung and Hyunjin waited for Felix because class doesn't start for another 20 minutes. About 2 minutes Felix came out of the counselors office and walked to where Hyunjin and Jisung were at.

"Hey what classes do you have" Jisung says out of curiosity. "Um...I have World History, Pre-AP Eng, Free period, Biology, Writing, Math, Free period" Felix says while looking at his new schedule. "Well we have History, Eng, and Writing together" Jisung says. "And we have the same classes" Hyunjin says while smiling. "At least we have the same classes" Felix says while smiling and giggling.

"And you also have the same classes with our friends, which you will meet at lunch" Jisung said while putting his arm around Felix's shoulder. "Ok, I can't wait to meet them" Felix says with a smile and being happy. That's when the bell rang and they went walking to their first period class. Felix can't wait to meet Jisung and Hyunjin's friends and he also can't wait for this school year. He just hopes that he doesn't have to move again for his mom's job.

I hoped you liked it. If it's not good it's because it's my first time doing something like this. Anyway I hope you have a good day😊.I'll see you in the next chapter bye.

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