Chapter 2

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It has been 1 year since Felix moved to a new school. When he meet Jisung and Hyunjin's friends they all became friends easily. But to his surprise is that there was another Aussie there like him and to say the least they bonded like they knew each other.

"Guys we should go to the arcade and then after that to the movies" Jisung said while jumping on the couch. "That's not a bad idea babe" Minho says. "Then let's go" Jisung said while running straight to the door. "Be careful Jisung" Chan says while shaking his head.

The rest of the group followed Jisung to the car and went to the arcade. Once they got there, Jisung basically sprinted towards the games there while Minho was trying to catch up with him.

Hyunjin and Jeongin went to the dance revolution game, Changbin and Seungmin went to sit down while watching the others, and Chan and Felix went to a basketball game and challenged each other on who can get the most points.

Hyunjin was secretly looking at Felix. While Felix would take small glances at Hyunjin when he gets the chance.

Felix beat Chan and he dared Chan to talk to a girl that first enters the door of the arcade store. When Chan went to talk to the girl that walked in, Felix went over to Hyunjin and Jeongin to see what they were playing.

"Who's winning" Felix says looking at the score. "I am" Jeongin says between breaths. "Not for long" Hyunjin says before doing a cool move that made him to start winning.

"Not fair, you cheated" Jeongin whines. "No I didn't I played fair, right Felix" Hyunjin says looking at Felix if he agreed with him. "He did play fair, Jeongin" Felix says defending Hyunjin.

"Whatever, I'm going to sit down with Changbin and Seungmin" Jeongin says before walking away to go sit down.

"Want to play" Hyunjin says holding out a coin to Felix. "Sure" Felix agrees. "I'm going to win" Felix hears Hyunjin say. "Oh no you're not" Felix says before they started to dance.

After they were done they were breathing really hard indicating that they were dancing really hard to win.

"Ha, I won" Felix says tiredly throwing his hands up in the air. "Ugh, whatever I'm tired let's go sit down with the rest of the group" Hyunjin says which they both went to sit down at the table where the group was at.

"I told you, Felix will win" Jisung says yelling across the table. "Now give me my money" Jisung says having his hand out to get the money. "And us too because I also said Felix will win" Chan, Seungmin, and Minho say putting their hands out for there money.

"Really guys, y'all bet on who will win" Hyunjin says not really that surprised considering they do it all the time. "Yes because you're both good at dancing just like Minho so we wanted to see who was going to win" Seungmin says which everyone agreed.

"So, who is the paying y'all" Hyunjin asked sitting down next to Seungmin. "Changbin, now pay up" Jisung said impatient. "Ugh, here" Changbin says throwing the money at their hands.

"Wow, I feel bad now" Felix says sitting down next to Chan. "Don't be that's what he gets" Seungmin says which everyone agreed.

"Oh Chan did you talk to the girl that walked in" Felix asked Chan which he nodded in agreement. "Well tell us what happened" Jisung says hurrying up Chan to tell us.

"Well, her name is Lisa, she's my age, we go to the same school, and I got her number" Chan says which made everyone happy except Jeongin.

"Okay, but what happened, did you ask her on a date or something" Minho says. "Well, I did ask her and she told me she would text me her answer but I doubt that she would go on a date with me" Chan says which made Jisung hit him on the head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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