Ch.11 : Flower Power

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A/N: In case you forgotten Samantha is 11 but will turn 12 in a chapter for her birthday. Ash is also 11 years old and will also age eventually. Misty and Brock are both around 14th and 15 years old.

I was thinking of her sister eventually getting Jessie to quit Team Rocket but don't know when. Also don't know what I would have Jessie do if Samantha did convince her to quit Team Rocket.

Also, I was thinking of Cody making an entrance in the episode Spinarak attack but haven't decided on how to introduce him.

Enjoy the chapter!


"When last saw our heroes, They'd been lost in the forest on their way to Violet City. But now they are finally out if the woods," The narrator said as I, Ash, Misty, and Brock continue our journey to Violet City.

"Hey! A real city!" Ash said as we look at the overview of a beautiful city.

"Yep, that's Florando," Brock said.

"Maybe we can relax and some sightseeing while we're here," Misty said.

"That sounds fun," I said.

"Cyndaquil," Zuko said agreeing with me.

"Misty, I can't relax in a city full of girls who need to be protected!" Brock said.

"Protected from you," Misty said.

"Yeah seriously Brock," I said still not used to his behavior.

"What are we waiting for?" Ash asked. "Let's see the sights!" He shouted running off.

Misty and Brock both sigh ruining after him

"He never will learn," I muttered catching up with the three.


After catching up with them. We were now walking through the city.

"Wow, there's so much to see," Ash said.

"Pika," Pikachu said.

"What do you guys think we should do first?" Misty asked.

"Check out the Pokemon Exhibition," A girl said handing Ash a flyer.

"What's a Pokemon Exhibition?" Ash asked taking the flyer from the girl.

"It's a giant outdoor Pokemon entertainment festival. Every year, trainers and Pokemon from all around the world come here to put on Pokemon shows. It's what Florando is famous for," the girl explained.

"I heard about this Exhibition. My brother was talking about seeing it before he left for Johto for his journey," I said.

"I read about the Florando Pokemon exhibition in the last issue of Pokemon Trainer Monthly," Brock said.

"Hey, you think I could do a show with all of my Pokemon?" Ash asked turning to look back at us.

"Sure," Brock said.

"A live stage show?" Misty asked.

"No. I mean a television show." Ash replied.

We then all fell on the ground not be beliving Ash had just said that.

"Now who'd watching anything like that?!" Misty as we got up off the ground.


"Come on guys let's go and see some real entertainment," Brock said dragging Ash by his backpack as we were walking through the city.

Book 1: Samantha Journey: Throughout the Johto Region  (Rewriting Series)Where stories live. Discover now