Chapter 1: The Black Assassin

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Kirito enters a Tavern and walks up to the counter and says, "Strongest you have. I need it after the day I had..."

"Show me your age kid," the bartender replied.

Kirito showed his player card and the man gave him a drink.

"What's your story?" the bartender asked after a moment.

"My arrogance caused the deaths of others," Kirito replied, his voice leadened with guilt.

The bartender was silent. He didn't know what to say to Kirito. But luckily, a man walked up to him and said, "I can help you atone for your sins."

"How so?" Kirito asked, before taking another sip of his drink. "The only way for me to atone for my sins, is death. Are you planning to kill me?"

The man shook his head. "No," the man replied. "I am going to give you something that will make you the most dangerous player in this accursed game."

"And that is?" Kirito asked, as he downed the last of his drink before ordering a second.

The man leaned towards Kirito and whispered, "Assassination techniques that allow you to kill anyone without penalty and even in safe zones. Of course, you'd have to follow three tenants or you'll become a red player."

"I don't want to kill," Kirito replied.

"What if the ones you kill are not green players, but instead red players?" the man asked, causing Kirito to pause in his drinking.

Setting his drink down, Kirito said, "Only if I don't kill green players, will I listen to what you have to say."

The man smiled.

"Good," he replied. "Tomorrow morning, come to the Forest of Eden outside of this village. If you decide to come tomorrow, your training will begin but if you don't, then you'll never see me again."

Kirito nodded and the man walked out of the bar, leaving the Swordsman to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

Starting City, Floor 1 (6 months later)

A man in a dark hooded outfit is watching a group of four people walking down an alleyway in the dead of night. The man had two swords on his hips, and four old fashioned pistols on his person with two bracers on his wrist. The man then begins to follow them, knowing that they were red players, thus on his list of targets.

"Haven't you heard? The boss told us not to target any more players."

"Why the hell not?"

"The Black Assassin is why! This guy has been targeting all Red Players in and out of villages! No one can beat him! No one survives!"

"Please that man is just a myth. No one can do what you are saying!"

The man in the black hood smiled.

"I'm a myth am I?" he asked, walking out from the shadows. "Do I look like a myth to you?"

The four men backed up away from the hooded man.

"N-No! Y-You can't be!"

"Oh but I am," the man replied, the four men could see black eyes glinting dangerously underneath his hood. He then flicked his wrist and a silver colored blade slid out of his sleeve. "Now then, which one of you Red Players want to die first?"

"Y-You can't k-kill us! We are in a safe zone!"

"I do not abide by those laws," the hood man replied walking up to the group of four slowly.

"You must challenge us to a duel!"

"That is not possible for us," the hooded man stated. "You see, we can only accept duel invites. Not make them ourselves. But even then, I am still able to kill you in safe zones."

The man then relaxed his wrist causing the blade to slide back into his sleeve.

"I'll give you four a fighting chance," the man said as he drew his two cutlasses. "Who wants to go first?"

The four men surrounded him and they all drew their weapons. The hooded man's smirk can be seen as he watches the four around him. The moon then is uncovered by the clouds, and glints off the hooded man's black outfit that has an "A" with a skull in the center of it. The guns also glint in the moonlight, giving off a mysterious, yet dangerous, feel.

"What is that crest?"

"And those weapons?"

"My Guild's symbol and new weapons that have recently been introduced to the game," the man replied. "Are you four ready?"

The four of them then attempted to tackle the man. The man jumped up and on his way down, spun like a twister in the plains and struck them all for 25% of their health.

"H-how? How did you..."

"My speed is one of my highest stats," the man replied. "Not to mention my dual wielding ability... And my weapons are powerful as well."

He then looked up and the clock tower and sighed.

"It's getting late," the man said. "I should finish this now."

One of the four went to attack him from behind, but he blocked it without turning around. He then flipped one of his cutlasses so that it was in an ice pick grip and stabbed him through the back with it and the other blade, stabbing where both of his lungs would be. The Laughing Coffin member then screamed in pain just before his health hit zero and turned into data.

The other three were looking at him and without a word or sound, the hooded man drew two pistols and shot at two of the three directly in the head killing them immediately. The hooded man then looked at the fourth man and said, "Go. You are my message. Tell the other Red Players that the Black Assassin is coming for them. And that I will not rest until you all are gone."

The hooded man, now known as "The Black Assassin" then walked into a foggy street and disappeared into the night.

Granzam, Floor 55

"Kuradeel," the Guild Master said. "I am glad you made it. I have a mission for you."

Kuradeel had excitement flash through his eyes.

"I will complete whatever mission you give to me," Kuradeel replied as he knelt to one knee. "What is the mission, Lord Heathcliff."

Heathcliff looked out of a window and as if he was a king gazing at his kingdom.

"Find any information on the one known as The Black Assassin," Heathcliff replied, not turning around to see Kuradeel's pale face and terror filled eyes. "But go alone and do not engage him if you should find him. Instead, run. Those are my orders. Do you understand?"

Kuradeel bowed his head.

"I understand my lord," Kuradeel stated, regaining some color before he walked out of the room.

Floor 11, Taft (3 months later)

After entering a tavern, Kirito, aka the Black Assassin, orders a drink and hears a man's voice say, "Gather 'round all. Gather 'round. I will be telling you all about the Black Assassin."

Kuradeel, being one of the ones in the Tavern, goes to the man. Kirito though stays at the bar counter, having his drink."If you ask me, "Can this player promise you a life of prizes, plunder and adventure?" Of course. Amongst all the players of SAO, he ranks amongst the most clever. There was a time when I thought myself, the best player of this game." The man paused to down her drink. "But this man. He is a fearsome dog, who feeds off trouble and turmoil. I saw him defeat the boss on Floor 74 all on his own. Fighting like a devil, dressed as a man. And he's the kinda man who knows his way around every crack and crevice of Aincrad. So if it's adventure and rare items ya seek, The Black Assassin is your man. Only... don't meddle in his private affairs. For there's more mystery in that man, than even I dare ask." With the last word, the man finished his drink and walked out of the tavern leaving a room of Players and NPCs wondering where and who the Black Assassin is.

Chapter 2: A Blade in the Crowd

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