Chapter 4

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The next morning as Dandelion stepped out of the palace to take in the sunrise she was filled with joy not only at the sun before her but at the events that awaited her that day. She felt stuck and sheltered for a long time there at the sand kingdom. She knew that her grandmother loved her and meant well, but she wanted to see the world, and that wasn't happening looking through the window. She shook off those thoughts as the warmth of the sun spread across her scales. With a final goodbye after breakfast and a couple "Are you sure's" from Thorn, Dandelion and Sunny were off to jade mountain. When they both landed Dandelion was a little overwhelmed at the amount of dragonets she saw. She felt her mom wrap her tail around hers. "Be safe, okay? Have fun!" She said as she nudged her. "I will mom!" Dandelion said matching her mothers energy. With a quick goodbye, her mom flew off, probably to visit Starflight while she was here. Dandelion took a deep breath and began walking towards the doors. "DANDI!" She froze in her place. She only knew one dragon to ever call her "Dandi". She slowly turned around to see Raindrop coming towards her. "Rain!" She said excitedly. "What are you doing here?" Raindrop asked. "Queen Thorn finally decided to let me come here!" She replied. "That's great! Well here let me show you around before class starts." Rain said as they both walked around the school. At the end they got her schedule. They had almost every class together so Dandelion felt relieved. Lunch time came around and she was looking around for Raindrop. When she spotted her. She noticed more dragons around her and they were talking. Dandelion approached her with her lizard to find that Raindrop had various fruits in front of her of different colors. "Hey, Rain!" Dandelion said announcing her presence. "Hey Girl! Guys, this is Dandi, Dandi, this is Snakefinder, Current, and Arctic. She said with a smile as she pointed to a Nightwing that almost looked like he had a bit of Rainwing too, a Seawing, and a darker colored Icewing. Dandelion rolled her eyes at the nickname. "Dandelion..." she corrected smiling at the other dragons. They all continue need eating, talking, and laughing together. Dandelion noticed how Raindrop and Snakefinder were acting with each other and wondered if they were together. If touching talons and twining tails weren't enough, the small smiles they would give each other sure gave it away. Current was hilarious, he made the best jokes she had ever heard. It was easy to be comfortable and laughing around Current. Arctic didn't talk much, but when she did, Dandelion could tell she was very smart. She then began to think that it was amazing that the first day of school she already had some cool friends. "Ahhhh! Fennec!" She and her friends heard some female dragons scream excitedly. Curious, she ignored her friends questions as she walked over to where people were gathered by the entrance of the eating hall. She watched as 4 handsome male dragons walked in. She figured by the reactions of the other dragons that they must be pretty popular. The lead male dragon who she assumed the name Fennec belonged to was an Icewing but a little different than any other Icewing she had seen or read about. The other 3 behind him were a Sandwing, Seawing, and a Nightwing. The 4 of them approached a small female Rainwing who seemed to be offering out some fruit for Fennec to accept. He took it and the female looked relieved until juicy bits and pieces of fruit rolled down her scales as he smashed them onto her. The other 3 males didn't seem too interested in what was going on. Dandelion couldn't believe her eyes. She stood there in shock as the other dragons laughed at the little Rainwing. Fennec rolled his eyes and began to walk away with the other three behind him until Dandelion stood in their way. "Who are you?" He asked bored. She tried to speak but no words would come out. "You have something to say?" He asked accusingly. Oh she had a lot that she wanted to say to him right then, most of them starting with "How dare you....". After a few seconds she noticed that she hadn't said anything. Deciding not to make a scene, she closed her eyes, sighed, and opened them again. "No" she said simply biting her tongue. Fennec rolled his eyes as all 4 of them past her. Her friends came up beside her. "They are always picking on other dragons!" Raindrop said with a scowl on her face. "Who are they?" Dandelion asked. "They are The Big 4....... Fennec, as you already know, Ra, the Sandwing, Nightshade, the Nightwing, an-" "AND HURRICANE, THE SEAWING!" Current interrupted Rain loudly. "Come on. It's time to go to class." Arctic said. With a glare in the direction that Fennec and the other 3 went, Dandelion walked off to class.

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