Chapter 3

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6 years later at the Sand Kingdom...
Dandelion woke up early and gracefully jumped out of her window, as she normally did, to watch the sun come up. She liked seeing the sunrise because to her it meant the start of a brand new day and the light coming in and shining on the sand in front of her filled her with happiness. The best part about it was that the sun would heat up her scales and the sand underneath her talons in the most wonderful way. To her, this was the absolute best way to start off her day. She also used that time to herself while no one else was awake yet to listen to the different sounds around her and just enjoy the sun. A couple hours later, she heard rustling around in the palace behind her and thought that everything me must be waking up now. Before any of the palace guards could notice her, she jumped back in to her room and made her way down to the main hall for breakfast. She heard her "mom" and "grandmother" in there talking very quietly about something seemingly important. Dandelion could pick up on words like "school", "safety", and her name, but not much else. She decided to make her presence known as she finally walked into the hall. "Morning, Mom! Grandma!" Dandelion said as she hopped over to grab a lizard. "Morning, sweetie!""Good morning, Dear!" Sunny and Thorn both said at the same time. When everyone sat down, Dandelion could feel that there was something that her mother and/or her grandmother wanted to say. She knew to wait patiently and it would eventually come up. "Soooo Dandelion?" Sunny started. 'There it is' Dandelion thought to herself. "How would you like to go to school at Jade Mountain?" Sunny asked excitedly. Dandelion looked up surprised at the both of them. She noticed the slight irritation from her grandmother. "Ummmm.....that sounds amazing actually! I would love to!" Dandelion said with enthusiasm. Truthfully, she was a little nervous to go but she new that this would be good for her, so she was happy, and she was surprised that they were letting her go in the first place. "See! I told you she would want to go!" Sunny told Thorn, but Thorn didn't look too convinced. "I don't know, Beetle, we can't guarantee her safety there!" "Mom, she will be fine. I know that you're worried about her because she's a hybrid like me, but we have to let her into the world! Not that I regret the fate that brought me to be here today, but I know that a life without experiencing things in the world is not much of a happy one." Sunny told Thorn with a knowing smile. "Ok! I know you're right! You can start tomorrow" Thorn said convinced by her daughter's optimism. Dandelion knew pretty early on in life that she looked way different from any other Sandwing in the kingdom with the color of her scales, eyes, and the fact that her barbed tail was not poisonous, and it didn't take her long to ask both her mom and Starflight why she was so different. She remembered how they both sighed before they told her that she was part nightwing and that her mother was part nightwing too. They also took this time to tell her everything about how they found her egg alone in a cave and took care of her. Dandelion didn't have to think about it twice to decide that none of that mattered to her and that as far as she was concerned, Sunny, Thorn, and Starflight were her family. She was glad that she knew though. Dandelion was almost jumping out of her seat when Thorn gave her permission to go. Thorn would never know this but there was a couple times where Sunny took Dandelion out of the palace to go "adventuring". Sunny was able to show her the entrance of the rainforest and that's where they spent time with one of her old friends, Queen Glory, and her daughter Raindrop. Dandelion and Raindrop quickly became close friends and enjoyed when they were able to visit each other. They never could go too far though because they had to be back before Thorn noticed they were gone. The trips that Thorn knew about and reluctantly allowed was to Jade Mountain to see Starflight, as long as Dandelion kept a low profile. Dandelion loved when Starflight would tell stories and read scrolls about The Adventures of the Dragonets of Destiny. The trio spent the remainder of the day preparing for tomorrow. Sunsets were also beautiful to Dandelion, but this one in particular was special to her because it marked the end of her time here and the beginning of her freedom to experience and see the world.

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