pt 1, Exit the EXIT

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It's a breezy summer evening in the BFB contest area. The sun is setting over the horizon; the moon rising opposite. But, we aren't there right now.


Cheap, fluorescent lights hum on the ceiling of the classroom. Someone is tapping their foot on the floor. Someone else is tapping a pencil on their desk. It's stiff and lonely.

"God, I can't handle this anymore!" Pencil jumps up and slams her fists on her desk. The tapping stops; everyone turns to watch. "We've been in here for years now! I know how to do algebra! Over half of these problems equal 4x!" Match gets up from her seat and takes a step over to Pencil, placing her hand on her friends shoulder.

"Pence Pence..." She looks Pencil in the eyes. Seeing the absolute desperation and pain in her face, Match changes what she was going to say. "Let's, like, go for a walk, okay?" Pencil nods and grabs a staple from under the table. She straightens it out, then uses it to pick the lock to the EXIT.

"WHAAAT??? You are telling me that we had a way out this entire time? Why the HELL haven't you opened up the door before!" 8-Ball yells, perking up from the corner.

"Like, flip off. Not like this is canon or anything. It, like, doesn't even matter." Match sticks her tongue out at 8-Ball and smiles. She shuts the door before he could quip back at her.


"Hey, thank you." Pencil looks over and smiles at her best friend as they start to walk through the empty blue abyss of Four.

"What are friends like, for?" She smiles back. "Now, tell me what's up? You haven't freaked out like that in a while."

"Freaked out? Did I freak out back there?" Pencil grimaces.

"Yeah totally." Match sees the look on Pencils face and tightens up. "Not! You weren't making a scene or anything, I just really wanted to get out for a bit." Pencil relaxes. "What's wrong."

"Aren't you going crazy in there? How can you not go crazy sitting in an algebra class for more than 20 minutes! It's been like 20 months!"

"Huh, yeah I guess I understand that." They look at each other and Pencil furrows her brow.

"You guess? Tell me, are you really not going insane? Feeling trapped? Not even a little lonely?" Pencil says.

"Uh.. not really? IDK." Match sits on the ground and Pencil follows. Pencil opens her mouth to talk, but Match doesn't see; she's looking off into the distance. "I mean, It's hard to be, like," her voice quiets as she speaks, "upset.. when I'm with you." Pencil winces back, visibly shocked.
"Oh, uh, Match-"

"Ugh!" Match interrupts her and jumps up. "I know! I know you don't feel like that about me! You don't have to try to explain yourself. There is a whimper in her voice, like she is holding back tears. She runs away into the dark, ignoring her friend's cries to come back.

Pencil stands up and sprints in the direction that Match went; however, the visibility in Four was too low- she has no idea where Match could have turned. She stops and leans over to catch her breath. She knows it is no use to keep running. She sits down and starts to cry.

"Match! P-please. Please come back." She was sobbing at this point. "I need you! I need you Match! You've been my best friend for over 10 years now. I can't lose you. Please!"

Match leans against the EXIT door, trying to calm herself down. She isn't as far from Pencil as she had thought; she can hear everything. Match stands, wipes the tears from her face, and begins to walk in the direction of the noise. It doesn't take long.

"Um, hi.." Pencil flinches, she hadn't heard Match approaching her. Match sits next to her.

"Oh. Oh God. You, uh, heard all of that didn't you? I, uh-" Match looks Pencil right in the eyes, causing her to pause and start to blush. She puts her hand utop Pencils. "I-"

"Pence Pence-" Hearing her friend's nickname for her caused Pencil to start blushing even harder. "Shut up. Just, like, shut up!" This took Pencil by surprise. She didn't know what she expected Match to say, but it wasn't telling her to shut up. "Come here." She scoots over and embraces Pencil, tight. She begins to cry again. "You have no idea how much you mean to me." Pencil sits up straight and pushes Match away a bit, looking her in the eyes.

"Oh, I think I do." She kisses Pencil on the forehead and lets her fall back into her arms. They have had a stressful day. They fall asleep.


Four pops into the classroom. Everyone stops what they are doing and sits straight, pretending like they were working hard on another math assignment.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii everybody!" Four says. "I've come to drop off more math!"

"Yes, I think we have all gathered that," Quips Liy, sighing. Four does not like this.

"HNNN###&NNGG SCR3-" they stop suddenly. "There are two empty seats. There are no empty seats in the EXIT. Where are they." Everyone tenses up- except 8-Ball. He smirks.

"It's Match and Pencil. They picked the lock." Four's face becomes cartoonishly infuriated. They vanished from the room into their own abyss.


Four glides above the floor in a straight line towards the girls. However, they stop once they are in view of them. Four recoils back a bit, but smiles. They frown and slap themselves for that emotion. They pop back to the outside world.


"FooooouR!!!" It's the dead of night now. Four opens their eyes as they come to. The summer night is almost tangibly romantic.

"What (•⊙ω⊙•)"

"Hey!! That face is creepy (◕︵◕)"

"Hnnnnnnng. Sorry."

"It's okay Four!" X smiles and curls up to them. "Even your creepy faces make me happy! ≧◡≦" Four drew back a bit, confused, but ignored it.


"Fouuuuuuuur! {(>_<)} Does that even count as dialogue? Why does it get its own line and quotations!"

"̿̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\=(•̪●)=/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿"

"Oh dear." X looks up at Four. "Just be quiet and hold me!" Four flinches a bit in surprise, but remembers how happy and peaceful Match and Pencil looked. When they look down at their friend, and when they meet their eyes, they know not to fight it. 

Like, Yeah. ( A Match x Pencil fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now