pt 3- The Show Must go on

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i switched tense bc i hate writing in current?? tense lol it's still the same time i am just ✨pissy

also, this is somehow more embarrassing than writing smut? smut has a purpose this is just,, weird

i swear it was a dare

also there are probably mistakes bc i do NOT want to proofread. seeing it once was enough.


"Hi everybody!!!!" X spoke out to Gelatin, Lollipop, Flower, Leafy, Fiery, Teardrop, and Woody. Lollipop looked at her host with a puzzled expression.

"Where's Four?" The other contestants nodded in agreement.

"Uummmm.." X was visibly nervous. "Four is.. sick." Lollipop had a sly look on her face.

"Oh, really? I had assumed that you.. things.. could not fall ill. How fascinating." She put her hand on her chin and nodded.

"Does that mean no one gets eliminated today?" Firey added.

"I guess not." X said. Woody, Teardrop, Leafy and Firey exhaled in relief.

"Please, I do not have time for this! If I knew we were going to sit here and BLAB all morning, I would have stayed back and got some more beauty sleep!" Flower sighed angrily, while Gelatin perked up.

"Maybe you should've stayed then. Sure doesn't look like you've had enough!" He smirked.

"WHy you!!!" Gelatin laughed and ran from Flower to get a head start.

"Well, then," Lollipop sighed. "Are we going to have a challenge. What's it going to be?" X got even more nervous. They looked down to their feet.

"Well..." They frowned, "I don't really have one. That's always Four's job! But, they did say to have one." Leafy stepped into the conversation.

"Oooh! I have an idea! How about the contest is to see who can cheer up Four, since they are sick, ya know!"

"Oh. I don't know if that's a good idea-" X said, quietly. Lollipop ignored them and started to speak.

"That's a great plan! I really do feel bad for poor Four!" She proclaimed. X nervously looked around for anyone to stand up for them, but Teardrop and Woody just shrugged their shoulders and nodded, Flower and Gelatin were too busy scampering around, and Firey looked like he couldn't care less.

"Well I guess I-" X began. Lollipop sauntered over and leaned her arm on top of X, resting her fist on her chin.

"Great!" She interrupted. X gazed back down to his feet. Lollipop raised herself up and approached Leafy. "How about we work together, Leafy?" She was so desperate for a bond with anyone; she smiled and perked up when she heard her name. "I've been rude to you before, I really do wish you'd give me a second chance." Her voice is monotone and sarcastic.

"Yes!" Leafy blurted out. "I mean-" she realised how desperate that sounded. "Yeah! That sounds nice."

"Splendid!" She put her hand on Leafy's shoulder. "Let's get to work then. Great job today, X." She added.

"Oh," says X, as they fidget their hands together. "Thanks." 

They were already walking away. 


"So, like, what now?" Asked Match, now resting in Pencil's arms. Pencil stroked the side of her face.

"What do you mean?" She replied. They have never felt more secure than in each other's arms. Their voices were soft and calm. Match nestled closer.

"IDK." She chortled. "I never thought I'd make it this far, I mean. I don't know what comes next." Pencil leaned back until she was resting on the ground, bringing Match with her, still curled up to her chest.

"We'll make it work, babe." Match inhaled sharply. Pencil felt her breaths pressing into her side. "Match?" She propped her head up and looked down at her love. Her entire face was red. "Oh god, um," she spoke out. "Are you okay? Did I mess up..."

"N-no." Match fumbled. "You called me-" Pencil interrupts her.


"Yeah, that." She was quiet.

"Is that too far-"

"No!" Match exclaimed. She realized how loud that was. Pencil flinched from underneath her. "Oops. I mean, it just caught me by surprise I guess. I... really liked it." She looked up to see Pencil peering back down. She scooted up a bit and kissed her friend on the forehead again.

Match sat up suddenly and slightly pushed her away. Pencil looked at Match with confused and heavy eyes.

"What? I-"

"Screw this!"


"So, Leafy," Lollipop inquired . "What's our plan?" She leaned against the tree, crossing her arms. Leafy was pacing around eagerly.

"Hm! I don't know Lollipop!" She spoke fast. "What does Four even like?" Lollipop smirked and stood straight.

"What if we went to their house?" She said.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea..." Leafy paused. "They both warned us to never go there!"

"You want to win the contest, right?" She interjected. "Besides, there is no one to stop us. X is over there sitting on the hill, and Four is, obviously, sick. They won't notice if we head over and look through the windows" Leafy scrunched up her face in thought.

"I guess you're right!" She livened up. She started to troop over in the direction of the Goiky Canal. Lollipop sauntered over, grabbed Leafys shoulders, picked her up, and flipped her the other way.

"This way, airhead.".

"Oh, haha." Leafy giggled.


"Match, what are you-" Match straddled herself over Pencils hips. Her face went cherry red. Pencil grinned. "Oh, I see." Her heart was beating too fast to speak fluently. "You scared me for a second." She giggled edgily.

"I know." She replied. "I just, like, couldn't restrain myself." She was embarrassed, unable to look Pencil in the face. They rested like this for a moment, until Match built up the courage to glance down at Pencil, who was smirking back. Match leaned down to kiss her, but Pencil grabbed her shoulders.

"Not so fast." She flipped Match down on her back, placing herself on top of her just as she had. She simpered down to her. Their eyes locked. "You're beautiful." Match was frozen beneath her. She rested her forearms around Match's neck and kissed her gently. She backed up.

"Pence Pence?"

"Yes, gorgeous?" Match was taken back by this. She should be used to it by now. Pencil found it adorable.

"Don't leave me hanging like this." She pleaded. Pencil didn't reply, she just leaned down and began to make out with her. When their breaths became to laboured to continue, Pencil slid down and kissed her neck, then nibbled a bit. She flinched in pain.

"Did I hurt you?" Match sat up.

"No, no." She lied, still trying to catch her breath.

"I can tell when you lie to me."

"Well, it did hurt. " She paused. "But, in, like, a good way. I liked it." She smiled.

"Good." She grabbed Match's hand and put it up to her neck, stroking the crater where the small chunk of wood was bitten off. "Feel that?" Match nodded. "That means you're mine." 

i hate myself LMAO 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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