chapter 2

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y/n pov

Park Jimin, I thought you said we were meant to be. You were my childhood friend. I trusted you.Yet lies separated us. We never talked to each other like we used to do anymore.

Yet i still liked you. 


It was enough already.

I don't want to do  this anymore.

The cold glares,barely saying a word to each other. 

I didn't want to know anymore.

You said you liked me too.

Was that a lie?

Yes, i was naive then.

I believed you.

I kept telling myself that you're not the only boy in the world so i should move on.

Maybe it's time to just give you up.

I don't want you to break my heart further.


You aren't worth it.

FLASHBACK[ when they were five]

'' Appa said soulmates are connected by an invisible red thread and Eomma's not coming back anymore.'' 5 year old Jimin's eyes welled up with tears.

'' Minie don't cry!'' 5 year old Y/n struggled to comfort Jimin.

''Maybe my eomma can go to your appa.''

''You think so?!'' Jimin cheered up at the thought. He wiped his tears away.

They began talking how and what they would do if they ever become siblings as they played at the playground together.

They were both from single parent families and they met at the playground.

Jimin found a red string and tied it to both of their fingers.

''friends forever?'' Y/n nodded.

flashback end


Beomgyu smiled at her.

''Let's go.''


Y/N was confused.

''Theme park...''

''YAY!'' Y/N began squealing like a five year old.

Beomgyu always knew how to make her feel better.

Nothing could change their relationship overnight like Jimin and Y/N's friendship.

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