chapter 5[pretend]

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y/n pov

It's that feeling again. The feeling that you love someone so much but knowing that they would never love you back.

When i confessed, can't he just reject me if he didn't like me back?

Why must he put me through all this pain?

Why must he run away from me?

Why must he be like this?

Was he too scared to face me too?

I have many questions in my head but the most major one was

Does Park Jimin like me?

Now, I always see Choi Eunbi going up to Jimin.

The fact that Jimin was friends with the queen of the school irritates me more.

Rumour spread that Eunbi likes Jimin.

After noticing my change of mood after five days because he was so oblivious, Beomgyu finally sighed and talked to her about it.

'' Y/N! are you really going to be so affected by it?''

''I like him Beom. You know it.''

'' Yeah? then let's reverse the situation.''

He smirked and whispered to me his plan.

''But how you make sure he notices it?'' I asked.

'' Soobin will help. Don't worry.''

Apparently The plan was to pretend to date Beomgyu until Jimin notices it and they would know if he likes her or not by acting that he was jealous.

Beomgyu pov

''The plan's good right?''

''Yeah Choi Beomgyu, I guess so.'' she replied me back.

I smiled sadly but ahe didn't notice it as she was busy looking at her schedule.

I liked Y/N.

But didn't have the courage to confess to her after i found out she likes Jimin hyung as i knew it would add on the her stress.

But we can't be together.

But as long she is happy,i'm happy.

That's all matters.

I don't want to see her this hurt ever again.

Even if she doesn't like me back, as long i could protect her from afar, i'm contented.

Because she means the world to me.

end of Beomgyu pov

nobody pov

I'm scared that if i let go, I'll lose you again.

end of pov

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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